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Strand 500 series

Big Jay

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Hi all.


I am currently submitting a budget plan for a production I am designing. I want to hire a Strand 520 or any other of the 500 series. I know Stage Electrics do them but I need more than one quote. Does anyone know of any other companies that do them. Most companies that I know only deal in the Pearl or Grand MA but I am not fully trained in how they work and I have been told that the Pearl is not the best option for theatre. Maybe anyone willing to offer training on the Pearl in the Tyne and Wear area? If anyone can let me know about the hire issue I would be very grateful.


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you could try northern stage, www.nstage.co.uk, or white light which is www.lxstore.co.uk, these I have both dealt with and are extremly usefull





..Except, of course, that Northern Stage are in Oldham, and White Light are in Halifax....neither of which are very near Newcastle at all. The bit between York and Newcastle is actually much longer than you expect....


I guess, of course, that if it's just for budget purposes, then it doesn't really matter where it is really, as you could just go to Stage LX anyway...

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In that case there would be no point becuase by the time the courier cost s were added on it would cost the same as the origianl price from the first hire company went to :P


EDIT: I have been looking around and the only place that does the 520 is Stage Electrics which is a bit pricy, the other option and much cheaper option is hiring the pearl2004 from another company, I have some knowledge of using the pearl from the simulator, but I've been told that it is not that good for theatre use, is this true?. Can anyone vouch for this or do you have any other comments about using the pearl for theatrical use, bearing in mind I will be using moving heads and generic.

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The only place that does the 520 is Stage?

Who you trying to kid?


White Light




Essential Lighting



Google/Yell plus a phone call will get you prices per week including/excluding delivery/collection.


Come on, almost any hire company dealing with theatre will be able to lay their hands on one of these. Stop looking only for internet prices and make a phone call, it works really well, even if it is old fashioned technology.

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..Except, of course, that Northern Stage are in Oldham, and White Light are in Halifax....neither of which are very near Newcastle at all. The bit between York and Newcastle is actually much longer than you expect....


I guess, of course, that if it's just for budget purposes, then it doesn't really matter where it is really, as you could just go to Stage LX anyway...


Ahem, White Light North was in Sowerby Bridge but they are no more. All operations are run from Wimbledon as the North operation closed some months ago. :nerd:

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The only place that does the 520 is Stage?

Who you trying to kid?


White Light




Essential Lighting



Google/Yell plus a phone call will get you prices per week including/excluding delivery/collection.


Come on, almost any hire company dealing with theatre will be able to lay their hands on one of these. Stop looking only for internet prices and make a phone call, it works really well, even if it is old fashioned technology.

Yes they do stock the 520 BUT by the time you add the delivery charge no I might aswell go to the first company I tried. If you read the topic, it says in the north east and the ones you mentioned are not in the north east where as stage is the only one that does it in the north east.

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I work in the North West. The first people I call for hires are WL, who are based in London, not Yorkshire as some still think (Joels have all the mill now, so I'm told). Stage's main kit base is in Bristol, where any hire will probably be coming from at some point.


I appreciate not many rental houses are near you, like most of us none-london types.


Which is why a list was UK based.


If you don't try you won't find out. I'm currently raising quotes for 40x15m truss grids, and out of the hirers I've asked, I'm lucky one of them is based in Bolton, but all the others are across the country. It is to do with who has what you want, and can do what you want. Ask each price to include delivery and collection and see what you get, you may be suprised.

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I'm currently raising quotes for 40x15m truss grids, and out of the hirers I've asked, I'm lucky one of them is based in Bolton, but all the others are across the country.

Bit of a topic hijack, but ... if you're looking for a rigging supplier near the north-west, you could do worse than trying Prism Lighting in Malpas. They have a good stock of truss, motors, etc. and are reasonably priced.

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try ringing 07811 281550 (the're in Chester) but they do have a 520i including screens and they are cheaper than anyone I know (£300 pr wk) you would have to pay courier costs

so it might not be any cheaper.

Moderation: It's been brought to the mods attention that something isn't quite 'right' here. We do have strict rules on advertising. The mobile number for a lighting company seems a little unusual. Could you confirm by pm to any mod that you are not connected with this firm. If you are - then stealth advertising bytalking about yourself, using 'they' is considered pretty bad form. If they are separate from you - then it's ok using their business name (as other posters have done).


Our members are pretty on the ball spotting things that don't just 'sit' properly - and this does look odd. If you want to have a read of the Terms and Conditions, you will find the rules on commercial posts explained.


For the moment, nobody can see the post - hence the nice pink colour. Have a think and let us know what you'd like us to do.




Sorry, yes I am connected,I thought I could help the poster to get a cheaper deal. It won't happen again.

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I'm currently raising quotes for 40x15m truss grids, and out of the hirers I've asked, I'm lucky one of them is based in Bolton, but all the others are across the country.




You could also try DBN in Manchester. They have a fair bit of minibeam and litebeam if I remember, or at least thats what we tend to hire!

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try ringing 07811 281550 (the're in Chester) but they do have a 520i including screens and they are cheaper than anyone I know (£300 pr wk)

So who's the lighting rental company in Chester which has a 520 for hire, then? Perhaps a link to a website with a stock list on it? It would be interesting, and potentially useful, to know - I live very near to Chester, and I don't actually know of any decent lighting rental houses in the city, let alone one with 500-series control desks for rent.


Not actually in Chester, but very near (Mold) - the theatre that I work for has a vast stock of LX equipment (including a 520i ;)) that we're happy to rent out to people when we're not using it. Anyone who's looking for reasonably-priced lighting hires in the area could do worse than to get in touch with me via a PM.

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Stage's main kit base is in Bristol, where any hire will probably be coming from at some point.



I'm not trying to be provocative, but I would like to point out that it doesn't matter that the main stock is in Bristol since it will be delivered - well charged from the closest branch to you/the event.

Similar principle to Hawthorn and their new london branch.



Not trying to pick you up on anything Mike, im just pointing it out to anyone who may not know about it.


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