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Video Playback for Theatre


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Definitely try before you buy with QLAB. I've had problems in the past with choppy, choppy fades...and this is on serious hardware. We could never really pinpoint the problem, and in the end had to switch over to other software. It's a great piece of software for sound, but I don't think the video is quite there. And we really did try everything - different OS versions, different QT versions, PowerPC and Intel hardware, different codecs...fades were just dropping frames everywhere.


Powerpoint is an option....but I'm interested in what people actually use for this in a professional environment.


...when QLAB wasn't doing the job, we very quickly ported the entire thing over the Keynote (the Apple version of PowerPoint), where it worked beautifully. Given that both Keynote and QLAB use exactly the same architecture to playback video, this just made me even more confused about why QLAB wasn't handling the video well at all.


Weird. Seems to work fine for me, iMac Core2Duo, 2.16 w/ 2ghz of ram.


Good point about keynote though. Completely forgot about that option. (It's the way I used to do it a few years ago, before discovering QLab.


iWork is pretty cheap too, IIRC.

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The latest version of Screen Monkey has the ability to link clips together which effectively gives you a cue list. The next clip is played by either pressing the Go button which is assignable to a keyborad key or midi input. It supports many different types of media such as video, DVDs, Images, Power Point, Flash, Google Earth and more.


As dbuckley pointed out I am working on a number of theatre projects to provide additional remote control. These include ArtNet control and TCP Telnet control. As well as a remote interface. It was recently used on a show with 8 separate video projectors all being controlled from one central PC with a simple Go button.


It is fairly basic in that you do not get 3D effects and transitions but it will do opacity fades. It is also free.

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Another vote for Q-Lab here - used it on our last three video inclusive productions with minimal problems.


Definitely try before you buy with QLAB. I've had problems in the past with choppy, choppy fades...and this is on serious hardware.


Did you try contacting them about this - we found them most helpful when we did have problems.



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