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choir trouble


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I have had a good search and there is not really an answer that I can find to this one!


We have a choir of about 7 - 15 people, depending on the Sunday morning.

They are in three rows normally, quite closely bunched together, at the moment, standing next to drums with a screen.


What is the best way of mic'g them up without taking up a lot of channels and spending a lot of money (looking for off the shelf solution)?

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Condensors picking up at distance will be a bad idea in this instance due to the proximity to the drums. Even with a screen there will be a lot of bleed into the mics. Realistically, unless you can put the choir in a more isolated area a handheld mic each is the best option here.



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If you remember, the OP said:

standing next to drums with a screen.


If this is the case, and the drums are played softly in a 'soundproof' drum cage then you shouldn't get any serious issues. Even with the drums uncaged the mics recommended aren't exactly omni, and with the placement described above I've had a lot of success, admittedly with a much larger choir, but with an almost identical layout.



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I'm with Matt, but ONLY if both the drum sound AND the building acoustics are under control. Previous bitter experience tells me that mic'ing a choir next to a drumkit in a very lively venue only adds to the mush in the building, while adding a small amount of choir...
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You can get a good idea of what a mic will pick up by in this position by getting something (safe) to stand on & putting your ear there!


If drums are the loudest thing you will probably have problems. If you're hearing the choir clearly then a directional condenser mic will probably do the job.


The pick up patten of your ear + the way your brain "processes" the signal is complicated, but this should give you a starting point.

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Groups of 3 equally spaced round the front & sides of a cardiod mic, have used Sm58's in the past or a condensor like AKG 451 or Blue line CK391 (CK91 capsule) this should give adequate results. Uses a few channels but not as many as 1 per person. Overheads will pick up more ambient sound form the drums etc as all ready mentioned.


Good luck



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