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DMX chaining


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but I know I shouldnt


See also: "I use extension leads with two-core cable because it's cheaper, and haven't had a shock yet" and "I don't bother with my seatbelt, and I'm still alive".


Yes, it's a strategy you've got a good chance of getting away with most of the time, but if you can take steps to avoid it going wrong (which of course it'll do at the most inconvenient moment possible), then surely you should be doing what the standard says?

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The other problem I have is that if there is any kind of problem with the DMX chain, you've just provided a perfect scapegoat.

E.g. a touring LD uses his own desk with your rig. Whilst there could well be a problem with his desk, the suspicion will automatically fall on your cables, whether they're at fault or not.

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