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Strand OS 2.8.6 on Congo


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I thought you might be interested to know that whilst playing with a Congo yesterday I was able to install Strand 500 series OS 2.8.6. I managed to get the keypad working, trackball and all faders. I did this using some simple DOS hacks, some keyboard shortcuts and my X-Connect dongle. I just did this for fun and will be taking the desk back to normal before the next show coming up soon. It is a little slow but seems to work fine.


Here are some photos:











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Well done!


About all I can say about it.. not criticising, just saying I can't think what use it is to have strand OS on a Congo desk.. perhaps its something to do with the preferred button/desk layout?


Btw, is that legal? Wouldn't have thought either manufacturer would be happy about you using their respective items together?


Ermm.. again, well done :)

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About all I can say about it.. not criticising, just saying I can't think what use it is to have strand OS on a Congo desk.. perhaps its something to do with the preferred button/desk layout?
I'd imagine that it's for the purposes of seeing if it can be done, rather than having any direct useful result. Hacking for the sake of hacking, as it were.


Legal? In what way are most EULA "legal"?
The legality of EULAs is a thorny issue to which there isn't yet a definitive answer.
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I guess it's usefull for when you the theatre types coming in, looking at your desk and saying "What the hell is that?! I want a desk I know" I could see it being useful at our Venue. But I find the Congo extremely temperamental as it is, God knows what it would like with a partitioned hard disk.
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Perhaps this shows that in the not too distant future hardware and software may become independant and we will be able to pick and choose to create a combination that suits the task (and individual) the best.


Though I may just be overly optimistic.

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