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clay paky alpha spot versus martin mac series


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...if you have actually used the alpha spot 575 this would be a silly question :) , the optics on the alpha spot p*ss over any other 575 fixture I have ever used! ... in terms of popularity tho, well its hard to say, martin deffo have their place in the market, but many companies are investing in large numbers of the alpha spot and wash range now. Last I heard, PRG had bought over 100 alpha units, a mix of spots and wash.
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ok from having used them a lot over the past 2 years on large lighting rigs with other makes ie martin and VLs the Alpha spot HPE 575 are brighter than Vl2000 spots and mac 2k spots, and even the clay paky 1200w stage zooms and profile pluses. they are nearly as bright as a mac 700. The zoom range on them is very good too.


The added benifit is that a they are priced not much above a normal 575w fixture for hire so not only do you get more bang for your buck you can have more of them,

DBN, and Hawthorns certainly have the 575w alpha spot HPEs and Alpha Wash 575w. For Alpha spot HPE 1200w spots and washes talk to DBN, hawthorns, PRG and White light.

also there 300w range is very bright if you need some thing slightly different and very bright check out the alpha 300 beam !!!


of course they are not perfect as no light is they have some querks but worth a try,




PS anyother users or hire companies out there with them lets get your feed back

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PS anyother users or hire companies out there with them lets get your feed back


Clay Paky All the way for me! for all the reasons above!. They are bright and are packed with useful gobos, prisms colour mixing etc. bit of a pig to get back in there cases!


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Its a bit like a tin of heinz baked beans!! They are the most popular, but actually, Branstan Baked beans taste better!!.


Same with the movers in question. Martin=Heinz, CP=Branston HeHe, a humourous food comparisen!


I have always used CP heads and found all the standerd gobos and colours etc much more useful and richer. As said , the optics and zoom etc are 2nd to none and I would never change to anything else now - ( even when the mini-scan HPE lamps were exploding!!!)

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Oh but I do enjoy watching LD's mess up with that. How disappointing!


@thetechguy92 & mjriley:


With all due respect it would be useful for the purposes of the topic to clarify your comments with some sort of reasoning, otherwise what's the point?

I hate to play the school card here, but when I read 'high school' in a persons info (thetechguy) I wonder whether there is any actual experience of the two manufacturers to draw on?


Certainly in my experience Clay Paky are more reliable than Martin, price-wise there is not much between them and both are well known. Not only are the optics better in Clay Paky but also they are always very well built and easy to maintain.

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yes - as a bit more justification to my opinion rather than starting a baked bean fan club. I would say that, I still like the mac entures and the like as we use them a lot on corporate jobs for dotting around sets and a bit of stage dressing etc


The smaller wash fixtures are useful for same kind of application and they are nice build, easy to navigate and in hotel rooms with lowish ceilings im happy to go up a ladder with one and pop it on a bar / truss (with 2 people holding the ladder).


Its only on the bigger jobs that I prefer to spec CP movers, simply because I prefer the light output , the standered gobos, and the remote shuttering. Im also keen to try out Robe kit as ive not really had much dealings with it so far.

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