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main L+R compression and eq

The Boogie Man

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On a FOH desk I usually put the main mix EQ inline as if I then monitor the main mix on headphones it isn't affected by the eq (that is compensating for room acoustics).


For monitors I will always have the eq on an insert as I can them monitor the artists mix with the eq in circuit.

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Cheers. I see the merit of putting a comp/lim on the inserts as yes it does affert the end result with make up gain etc.

I'm not so certain about eq as I only use it for room adjustments, and then only cutting, so the only difference between the main L+R and the foh sound maybe and slight loss at certain freqs.

But I have to say the repatching due to failure of an eq sounds logical, although my fbq goes into hard bypass on power loss so I'm not certain if the signal would be lost.


Would anything be lost if the main inserts are unbalanced and the main out are?

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well the obvious difference running it via inserts is that processing is done before the output faders therefore assuming you have good level on the busses/main mix your get any processing at optimal level as apposed to running it inline which mean compression or eq only works relative to the output level you send from your mixer


EQ should be really run insert, compression is upto the user depending on desired effect



hope this makes sense



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Would anything be lost if the main inserts are unbalanced and the main out are?


Over such a short run I would not expect to notice any interference or degradation of the signal, Sometimes I have to patch my EQ to run over the L+R as opposed to as an insert and it sounds good both ways I just prefer to run it as an insert.

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I put the eq on the inserts last night, whilst I was learning to use the afl and other bits and bobs. All I could think was this really sounds very quiet, and not very nice. Then I thought, could the shelving filters or the limiters on the eq be responsible. Nope, but changing round the tip ring going into it did :yahoo: ** laughs out loud **, no matter how old you get eh!!


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