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best way to dispose of staging?


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hey have just cleared out my venues flat/scene dock of stuff that is not going to be used. I have several large pieces of set,( think the Visit) whats the best way to get rid of it? will a public dump take it if I break it up? anyone is welcome to reply with good ideas to "ill have it!"



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[blatantplug]Well you could put it in the BR's For Sale Forum, if you're selling it for less than £500 then its free to list (although you'll need to PM me or another admin to give you permission to post the ad).[/blatantplug]


If you're taking it to a dump I imagine there could be issues with it being commercial waste possibly?

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I am in West Sussex, Near Brighton. heh yeah it was a blatant plug, but also what I was after. not going to be lookin for much for it, just something put back into my tech budget to allowe me to get some more lights!
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I checked up with our local landfill about getting rid of some big set peices from the Sherman in Cardiff. What they told me was that you'll need a waste transfer notice, you'll need to come with appropriate PPE (hard hat, hi-vis and boots), and then they'll weigh you on the way in and weigh you on the way out and charge you for the waste. I'd imagine your local landfill will have some version of this procedure. Otherwise they won't accept commerical waste full stop, ime.


Hth :)


Eta: have a look here see if this helps. Includes the pdf of the waste transfer note.



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