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Emergency announcement playback


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Hello all,


Here's one I am trying to wrap my head around and could probably find it if I had the glossary right. Rather than rely on the Sound engineer to make an emergency announcement reading off a script the management wants a recording. They also want a generic please turn off you Cel phones Pagers(who still uses those) listening devices. So it would be two - four different announcements. My thought is rather than having a CD player it would be to have "something" that has four buttons and at a push of the button the recording plays. It ties into my DSP and then the sound tech can work on getting the system powered down and start their own evacuation process while the announcement plays. It also frees up a channel on my console. So I ask you what am looking for.


Chris MacDonald

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I may have misrepresented myself. What I am thinking of is something you would have at a Theme park. Where everyone enters the room and the "tour guide" gives a quick announcement an hits play and the show starts. Video audio the whole bit.
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We distribute a range of solid state audio players from Italian Manufacturer InOut.


One of their products, the Security Player, is designed specifically to be used for playing emergency announcements and can be monitored (if integrated into a voice alarm system) via a 20kHz tone. The messages are held on a standard CF card and up to 255 different messages can be triggered via contact closure or 8 messages via the front panel. The list price of this unit is £699 ex VAT.


If you don't need to monitor the unit, then the less expensive (£399 ex VAT) PanelPlayer product could be used. This unit features a stereo 20W amplifier as well so is a useful product for interactive displays etc. This one doesn't have the hard wired buttons for triggering files directly (it only has PLAY, STOP and SKIP) so you would need to use the contact closures and provide your own buttons.


Anyway, if you need more info have a look at the InOut website or the CUK Audio website or PM me.

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If you want to stick with a UK (based) company, there's none finer and more friendly than Tannoy Audix. They do exactly what you need, (announcements triggered from external contacts), their rack units come with optional recording microphone and you can add a fault monitor if you're relying on announcements for fire evacuation etc.



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  • 8 months later...

I have been asked to investigate an automatic announcement system to use instead of our 'bar bells'.


What I would like is a solid state playback device that has say 8 buttons on the front that would trigger playback of individual pre-recorded announcements. I would want to be able to re-record the announcements using the theatres existing sound system and import them to the unit in some way (sd card?)


I know that theme parks use similar units to announce ride breakdowns etc but I'm struggling to find exactly what I need.


Can anyone offer any help?


Moderation: We've been here before. Threads merged.

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You need to be looking very much in the public address areas rather than theatrical. I use one of these for our automated (from remote or local pushbuttons) messages at work. It has a line output and a mic in for recording the vox. All solid state and it has proed very reliable.


Unfortunately I'm out of work until monday and can't remember the name on the darn thing! Will report back, though I guess as I'm writing this, other blue-roomers will be typing away with exactly what you need!

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