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Risk Assessments


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Hello all


Out of interest!


Does a technician out there have some advice to offer about risk assessments in music venues.

If you are looking for the risks what would you look for?

I'm thinking on the lines of technical equipment used for the event. or

Crowd numbers,

food and drink/Bar.

ventilation (perhaps)!

Strobe lighting!


can anyone beat my poorly thought out list :oops:


Much appreciated



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Risk assessments are to cover activities and eventualities - so you don't really risk assess an "event" per se.

The result of risk assessment is generally procedures - if you're doing (a), you'll need x,y,z and to do it that way, and if (b) happens you need to do this.


So your first job is to divide the event up into the various activities that need to be undertaken (eg changing lamps) and the various things that could go wrong that might require action on the part of the venue staff (eg fire).


Risk assessments are not something to be scared of, but they are important.

The greatest importance is that everybody understands them - if they are written and then locked away in a cupboard they are utterly useless.


It's also important to listen to the staff - if there is something in the assessment that an employee doesn't think is safe, they are legally obliged to raise it with management - they should explain why they don't agree, you explain your reasoning, and then you should be able to come to a sensible result.

You can't think of everything, and your staff may well have spotted something you've missed. After all, it's them that are doing the job!

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Thank you both.


The information you gave is fanastic and spot on.

much appreciated. :)


Have a good weekend!






I have a venue RA that covers a large amount of risks. If you would like a copy to see the possible hazards let me know and I will send you one.

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