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Portable lighting systems


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Hiya, Im Cairn, I did write a massive post all about what I do for my school, what Ive done lighting wise in school etc. but my PC crashed and I cant be bothered to re-write it all so Im going to cut to the chase this time.


Im a 16 year old from south Wales, and I am my schools 'lighting technician', I am self taught...and have done the lighting for over 100 different school events, including school musicals, concerts, GCSE & A Lvl drama exams.


I am in charge of picking out all the new lighting equipment for school, and am pretty stuck for ideas. We have a mediocre lighting system, we have a new ZERO88 Jester 24/48 desk and a decent supply of floods, fresnels and profile spots...but we are looking for a decent...cheap portable lighting system. The head master is being rather tight and wouldnt let me have my first choice of equipment that tottalled to £5000, so I am reconsidering what we need. A system with 2 profile spots, 4 Fresnels, 2 Tee bars with dimmer racks etc , a 6 channel desk, and a filter pack would be good...but as I am self taught my knowledge on equipment names and technical terms is limited, and sometimes I get slightly confused when looking at things, so any help would be greatly appreciated!





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Just before I start I just want to say NEVER call your Headmaster Tight



Any How for A kit I'd get a


and also an


Because these each come with 3 Fresnels. Get 2 S4 Profiles and Replace 2 of the Fresnels with them and keep the Fresnels as Spares




These are the product pages for the Lighting kits 1&2 respectively


Stage LX website



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Can I just ask, what is the intended purpose of this system?


Personally for that spec I'd be looking at cct minute/strand quartet or selecon fixtures, ran from alphapacks with a 6ch desk.




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"We have a mediocre lighting system, we have a new ZERO88 Jester 24/48 desk and a decent supply of floods, fresnels and profile spots"


You chose - You have a decent desk and lights OR you have a mediocre system! It's still what you have, work with it.


"but we are looking for a decent...cheap portable lighting system"


Portable good and cheap! Pick two!


" The head master is being rather tight "


Or the head has to buy books for lessons as well as your lights out of less budget than he expected.


WHY do you need portable lights? Is the need for profiles, Fresnels, PARs What characteristics of the beam are important? What lanterns will give you that beam.

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You've got a decent, physically small (and therefore portable) console.

You've got some lanterns.


What is the portable setup meant to achieve?


Unless and until you and your school answer this question, we cannot help you.


In fact, unless you answer that question, you will almost certainly not get a budget - schools (like most organisations) are run to very tight budgets.

Nothing is spent unless it is necessary.

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The purpose of the portable system would be so that other students can use this lighting system for their GCSE and A lvl technical skill theatre studies exams...

Also so that we can improve our lighting system, as we have a rather large stage, we have decent profile spots but these can not be reached to be moved at all. Then we have fresnels and floods that can be moved but we are not allowed to take down...hence the idea of the portable lighting system!

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we have decent profile spots but these can not be reached to be moved at all. Then we have fresnels and floods that can be moved but we are not allowed to take down...hence the idea of the portable lighting system!


1) How do you PAT test your lights if you cant touch them/take them down?

2) How do you focus/move the profiles for different shows if you cant touch/move them?

3) Why are you not allowed to touch/move any of your current lights?

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I'd have thought it would be cheaper to hire to be honest, unless you need it regularly.

Read his original post! The guy is only 16 and says that he's already lit "over 100 school events".


How much more use of the kit would you want to see before you would be prepared to describe it as "regular"?




we have decent profile spots but these can not be reached to be moved at all. Then we have fresnels and floods that can be moved but we are not allowed to take down...hence the idea of the portable lighting system!

1) How do you PAT test your lights if you cant touch them/take them down?

2) How do you focus/move the profiles for different shows if you cant touch/move them?

3) Why are you not allowed to touch/move any of your current lights?

Unless you can't be bothered to read the original post, you're just being gratuitously agressive!


The answer to all your questions is simply that the guy is a 16 year old student and therefore subject to the normal restictions regarding electrical safety and working at height that are appropriate to someone below the age of legal responsibility.


When he says "WE", clearly he is referring to school-aged students who would be allowed to access lanterns rigged from a stand and T-bar but not where they require serious ladder access.


Blindingly obvious, I would have thought!



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Re David:

What I was referring it, is that there must be someone in the school who has access to the lights. How would they move/focus them for each show if no one had access to them?

Also - It wasn't blindingly obvious to me, as at my school the theatre technicians DO move/focus lights. We do everything necissary for a show, whether it be putting up a rig 20 feet in the air while on the top of a Tallescope or making the set. Apologies if my post came accross in a way as to suggest I was taking an aggressive attitude, I was merely asking some, in my opinion, key questions.



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