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Policeman's uniform required to buy


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  • 2 weeks later...
If you are still looking then try Flame Torbay Costumes - they seem to have every uniform under the sun!! Not sure if you can buy from them but can definitely hire. Don't have the number handy but do a :unsure: for "flame torbay costume hire"
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http://www.chdt.org.uk/ Has a re-enacted police station of the period. See if they will reveal sources! There is no problem with out of pattern uniforms in the UK, or real current ones if you have good reason -actors in film & TV. Anyway the OP is in Australia according to the profile.


I wonder if there is a "Sherlock Holmes" appreciation/re-enactment society with sources accessible online - though that would be too early there may be a re-enactors uniform supplier linked there.

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Try second-hand/ vintage clothing places near you (if they exist...) - places like Starry Starry Night in Glasgow, or the one in King's Court (Mr Benn's?) must be worth phoning. Also if you're anywhere near Camden there are a few such 'vintage' stalls in the market.
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If you are still looking then try Flame Torbay Costumes - they seem to have every uniform under the sun!! Not sure if you can buy from them but can definitely hire. Don't have the number handy but do a :P for "flame torbay costume hire"


Torbay (01803 211930 off the top of my head) do have every uniform under the sun but they keep it that way by only hiring them out not selling them. You are looking for clothing over 60 years old, you will be very lucky to find one. You could have one made but it will be a weeks work for a skilled person plus fabric, buttons etc. Not the cost of a suit from Primark.

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