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Generic Rig- Dont have the luxary of CMY.


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I am lighting a one off Gala show that is encompassing monologs, classic musical numbers, duo-logs etc.....

I have never really had too light anything like this before, it's either been drama (make it effective), music (make it look pretty), Dance (create atmos) so on and so forth.


Having never studied lighting design everything I have done has been thru trial and error (and alot of errors!!), I have my ideas on colours, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to offer some advice on a 4 colour wash that I would be able to mix to get the most out of the colour spectrum?


I looked at the FAQ, this seems to cover peoples favorite colours that work together (mine L128 and L116), but not really covering a good generic rig colour. I dont have the luxury of moving heads with CYM sadly.




Look forward to your thoughts and advice.



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primary colours or variations (as the real primaries my be a bit dim) are good. Lighting primaries are red, blue and green. I'd suggest substituting an amber for the green for general use, or perhaps putting an amber tint in the OW wash.


Although in theory the primaries can be used to "mix" any other colour, in the real world of course there are too many variables to make it entirely successful, but it still gives you plenty of scope.

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I have been in your situation a few times,


after a few hours of experimenting I eventually settled with the combination of 4 lee colours and o/w


106 - red

105 - amber

132 - blue (maybe 119)

139 - green


It seems to have worked for the last few variety show (ish) performances I have done


Hope this helps

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I've never liked 139 as a green, it just seems too dark for general cover to me. I've often found that 116 works quite well in a general situation, but if you're wanting to blend colour, something like 124 may serve purpose better. I often use 124 on cycs and it blends nicely.

106 is probably your best bet for a red, 182 also blends quite well.

079 - blue - I like it better than 132, it's less green at low level! 119 I love for backlight, but find it too dark for frontlight.

152 - gold-ish wash, rather than an amber, or 204 or 104 are colours I like for warm frontlight.

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Oh no!! id never use green for one of a colour wash for a variety show!! .its most unflattering on people


try something that might wprk really well with a red or blue and on its own of course. I like using L180 or simply a bright backlight tone like lilac. ,


a bit dark , but Rosco gypsy lavenders a good one..

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I notice everyone is answering the question as if the OP is asking about a variety show.


I note, however, he is asking about a show which involves


monologues, classic musical numbers, duologues etc.....


If that's all it involves then lots of primary colours may well be NOT the sort of thing you need at all.


We need to know, first of all, if "classic musical numbers" means musical theatre (e.g. Les Mis, Oliver etc) or "classical music numbers" (e.g. Mozart, Beethoven etc). If the latter then you need lots of open white top light and no other colour except perhaps on the scenery or cyc behind the players. If the former, then look at each of the numbers and see if you can find any similarities that suggest specific colours (if I were lighting Oliver I wouldn't start with blue, red and amber, for instance).


If you're using a cyc I'd definitely look at primary colours on that in order to mix colours (RGB with 2 circuits of the same blue if at all possible), but there could well be something better to use on the performers which can only be decided by looking at the actual items in the programme themselves. If you can get to see a rehearsal then so much the better.

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