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Club Lighting Desk


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Hi All,


Trying to find a lighting desk for a club. Needs to be a "real" desk - not a PC. There are too many distractions on a PC and far too tempting for the user to use the PC for other things.


There 36 traditional dimmer channels and then a number of cheap inteligent fixtures (soundlab etc). Need to be able to program chases and states that can be played back very easy (like just press a button and go!)


I am used to theatre style desks with their cue stacks etc, but I am sure there is something better suited to this job. Still need access to a few faders but not lots (say 6/12).


Like the look of old masterpeice desks but I remember they are complicated to program and are a bit temermental.


Anybody got any ideas? Budget approx £1k





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Can I suggest you take a look at the JesterML24 then, as that sounds right up your street... 12/24 generic channels, plus upto 30 moving heads. Memories (Go Button) & Submasters (Scene Faders), moving light effects, and if you can stretch a tiny bit further, should be just about within budget. PM Me if you need more information.
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If the PC is misused, we have a piece of software we use at work for our telephone terminals called "WinU". It's great for locking out everything on the PC except the software you want them to use. One desktop with only one icon (or more if you want them to access a few programs) and everything else is locked out by password. Very effective!


A PC may still not be your solution for this application, but it's useful stuff if you need it.

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Another alternative is the ETC SmartFade ML

48 Dimmers, 24 Moving Lights.


12 pages of 24 submasters, a theatre stack and a full effects engine.


No need for a screen at all - everything is on the console itself.


It's also got a Kensington lock point, which can be very useful in a club situation!

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Yes - for ur type of application , I think the Masterpiece is a really good desk.


Yes the programming does take a while to sort out , but once its in , the flexability of the desk is great. u can have scenes, simple chases and then entire enviroment chases right at your finger tips on a mixture of sound to light , manual or timed.- and if u can get one off e-bay , then ur have money left over to buy something else - or just a good supply of new gel . consummables etc etc

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Yeah I've been suggested to use a Smartfade ML after using a Masterpiece 108 and 216 over the past 3 years but tbh I'm happy enough with the Masterpiece. There's just so many features, scenes and chases you can achieve for a good club or band lighting show, all at the same time from one 19" desk!
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What's your budget?


Most nightclubs I maintain have either cheap DJ shop preprogrammed pods or else the masterpiece and outstation unit...the masterpiece main desk is located in the managers office or amp room and the outstation goes next to the DJ. Putting anything complicated in a DJ box will invite the 'phantom dabbler' or accidents with beer, or else any visiting DJ will soon give up operating it and leave it on one chase all night!


The other solution often used by pub chains with several venues is a Martin 2510, this is a simple controller which can accept quite a number of preprogrammed shows loaded with Lightjockey via your laptop. Just the controller stays in the DJ box and it only has a few buttons and is tamper-proofable.



Pulsar Masterpiece Outstation:




Martin 2510:


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I've used both and much much much prefer the Azure,


with the azure you can do sound to light, link it into "environments" which are basically a set of different memories running, set the environment playing to change automatically every 5 minutes etc etc.

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