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Hey iv been set the fun task of doing an essay on 25 quotes using the theme 'what is good lighting'?

Just wondered whether any1 could tell me what they think good lighting is because I can use personal statements. I need to be able to challenge these statements so be imaginative. example of an old 1 'Pink for panto, Straw for Drama'. Cheers... bloody essays...

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For some ambient theatrical work "Lighting is to work your backside off all day to make sure nobody notices your work when the curtain goes up".


Particularly true when lighting TV, but you'd be amazed how much work goes into making a scene look like it's normal light, I sometimes wonder why we don't hang a 60W domestic lightbulb in our living room sets!

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my fave was when I was asked to make it brighter so that we could hear the chorus..


or just the other day we had to rehearse te props team firing a gun in the wings with the proper lighting cue for the scene..


I dont understand either



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just the other day we had to rehearse te props team firing a gun in the wings with the proper lighting cue for the scene..


I dont understand either

I think I do. Perhaps they wanted to make sure that there would be enough light in the wing for the weapon to be safely loaded, prepared and fired at the appropriate moment. If there isn't enough light to, for example, load a round into the weapon or see your way to the safety catch in order to take it off, then it would be an issue.

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"...the cardinal function of lighting is the definition (and thus the ostension) of forms in space"


Elam K., The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama, p84, Routledge, 1980.


You might want to consider whether lighting that performs this function is "good" lighting.


You might want to consider whether "good" lighting is lighting that meets Pilbrow's "Objectives of Stage Lighting" :


• Selective visibility

• Revelation of form

• Composition

• Mood

• Information


(Pilbrow1997, 2, 6-9)



I think they're rubbish the way Pilbrow defines them, but that's me.


You might want to consider what "bad" lighting might be.


You might want to consider better punctuation.





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Allardyce Nicoll in The Development Of The Theatre said, with particular reference to the work of Gordon Craig, that lighting was

'striving to create mood quality, and not merely to illuminate the actors and to simulate natural phenomena.'

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