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Projector suspension


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There's a (fairly hefty) projector in the hall at school which is suspended from a scaff bar about 5m in the air - without a safety bond. Now I'm no expert on scaffolding, but it's basically connected in a kind of "T" with what looks about like a tube clamp connected to a short (~0.5m) which is then connected to the projector (if that makes any sense at all).


Having put this issue to the "premises manager" I was told that since there's a big bolt on the connection between the short bar and the [tube clamp-esque thing] saying "SAFETY BOLT" on it, it must be safe and is nothing to worry about. My worry is that were the actual clamp to fail, the projector would still fall (and it's very very heavy).


So does anyone who's more familiar with such projector fixings a) have any idea what I'm talking about and b) say whether an additional safety bond should be used or not?



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Secondary suspentions are always nice... but


A)installations don't need one. (you can de-rate to account for the lack of a safety)


B)Not many projectors actually have a sutible attachment point.


C)Was it installed by a reputible company? Or competent/insured person?


Oh, and without more information its hard to say... Beyond that, unless its actually about to fall on someone.... mumble mumble mumble :)

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Secondary suspentions are always nice... but


A)installations don't need one. (you can de-rate to account for the lack of a safety)


B)Not many projectors actually have a suitable attachment point.


C)Was it installed by a reputable company? Or competent/insured person?

I'd add...


D) In a school hall, I'd suspect there wouldn't be much activity that would necessitate a secondary either.

Come on, guys - we did this already with the "Do these speakers need a secondary restraint cos a basketball might hit them..." thread not long ago!

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Sounds remarkably like the Unicol PSU type mount with the Tube Clamp on the scaf. The parts shown may not be exactly the same, and the Unicol website is a pain to link to due to it's design...


Anyway, the unicol stuff is generally very well designed, and with a good level of redundancy built into it. The issues I'd see is that the Projector gets sheared from the actual PSU mount and the projector body. They are often attached to the projector by several bolts, going through the plastic body to the internal chassis (thinking Sanyo/Christie/Eki style Medium size projectors such as the Christie LX55). Unicol do the best they can, but as generally no alternative suspension point is provided by the manufacturer it would be unwise to try and fix an alternative secondary suspension to the projector. Some might suggest the Kensington Lock point- I wouldn't use that. It does not attach back to the chassis in most cases, and is to prevent opurtunistic theft.


In summary, assuming it was fixed following the manufacturers instructions, then it should be safe, and no secondary should be required.


Unicol equipment is sometimes affectionately refered to as 'Boat Anchors' for their weight and general over design...

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