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The Prop-Man tool bag?


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Hi my name is rob, I have recently started out as a propman (done two jobs), one thing I have noticed is that tool bags seem to vary from person to person. what do you people carry in yours... (this topic could be usefull for your wiki)


this is mine, I realy want to add to it to become a good standby-propman with the right tool for every job:


tapes on a rope (Gaffer tape, Double Sided, Masking, Electritions)

Wedges (Large, Small, finger)

246's (x4, I think I need to make more?)

Staple Hammer (like a staple gun but hammer shaped)

White Tack


letherman fuse


Lighter Fluid

Spray mount



Fishing line

Screwdriver and bits


Dustpan and brush




Pens inc. Marker, non Marker, Bic


Burnt Sugar


when I get paid I am going to buy a sack truck


another question: (please dont flame me) "Poileroid, Digital Camera or Boath ?"



Thankyou for your time: Robert Forsyth...

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  • 1 year later...
Hi I posted the above topic a couple of years ago, can anyone give me any advice on what I should carry




Also where can I get burnt sugar from in the south west?



I find cable ties a great help. I'm more LX/stage crew, but not much can't be fixed with gaffa or cable ties.

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Gas gluegun and spare gas and sticks. Been very useful mid show once.


Velcro black and white - we use it alot for both costume and prop bits. I never use stickyback stuff because it cant fail to let you down.




I don't see blades on there, stanley and scalpel knife + blades.

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Unfathomable that wood thing is truly Unfathomable, but thanks for the cable ties, I am currently looking for the maplins catalouge so I can get some reuseable quick relece ones!


thanks the kid for the cordless glue gun idea, what brand woud you recomend? Also I got scalples and a standly in my kit but I just forgot to add them to the list!


Hey, I just lost my leatherman :-( so I am going to upgrade to a Charge TTI from a Fuse (I am So excited!)!



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There is something about that wood, we use it for so much, leveling lanterns, as a saw block, as a prop, to support amps, to hold doors, to hit crew, etc



well if you haven't got yourself some 2.4.6's heres how to make em!


Bit of 2"x2" wood cut in to lenths. 2", 4", 6" then nailed together creating a little steps 2" square and painted black.


Its usualy used to prop up tables ect. so the camera/audience can see whats on it.

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  • 1 month later...

Re the hot melt gun. I just found it and fired it up to fix a draw. It took me about 5 mins to heat up. It was a pain to fill though.


It's a draper, but I can't see it on their website.


I did find this website http://www.gluegunsdirect.com/index.php?mo...p;idCategory=14, and I might just have to use them for some other things.

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Not sure about TV work, but here in theatre, I wouldn't be without my Dirty down sprays (available from Flints). Black, Dark & mid brown most useful, followed by grey. Also Ash blonde for aging paperwork. Love them, love them, love them.
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  • 3 weeks later...
One of the most useful tools I've got is a cable tie machine so I can make ties just the length I need them, and it cuts them neatly so there are no sharp pointy bits. Think I got it from Screwfix years ago, but I don't think they do it any more. You just feed the tie part through, round whatever you're tying, and back into the machine. It puts the clip on the end and cuts the tie. Very handy thing :-)
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