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Using Talkback On Desks


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Thanks for that,


We have a Canford Audio coms system, would there be any way that I could put the Talkback from the desk into the chain, becuase as we all know its a pain in the ars* to try and wear 2 pairs of heaphones, so this was I can leave one on and people talk to me without the lighting operator tapping me on the shoulder everytime someone wants me.





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Like Gareth, I use it as a "God Mic" during rehearsals, routed as appropriate to be heard onstage and/or in a control room.


However, being a paranoid soul, I disable the function completely when the audience is in, on the theory that "if it can go wrong, it will".


For similar reasons, I prefer to keep intercom functions separate from the mixing desk. Also, as I'm often at a mixing position out in the audience, I can be rather more subtle with a closed cup headset and boom mic than I could with the mic built in to my desk.


Where the desk talkback comes into it's own is in a recording (as opposed to live) situation where it's frequently necessary to speak from a control room to performer in the studio with monitor headsets. For this application, in-desk talkback is perfect.



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cheers for the replies,


Bob I know what you mean about the paranoid thing, I always get like that when I PFL cd's when an audience are in.


Heapsy thats an interesting point, Im looking for something like the flashing light idea you mentioned, does nayone know how I could make one of these, I take it there pretty easy but I wouldn't know where to look,





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I find the "god" mic very handy in live situations when the band over runs their time slot by a long way. Depending on the venue and how strict they want me to be it runs like this, (note this is for when the venue is on a very strict time scale!)


1) Quick call down the mic to the monitors to say its the last song

2) Warning at 5 mins over run

3) monitors off at 10 mins over run

4) FOH off at 15 mins over run

5) Power off at 20mins


Most venue however dont find a bit of over run in that case I just let them go sometimes up to 20 mins

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on music shows, the op normally is off cans throughout to have both ears free - for dance shows and busy sfx shows, I'll keep cans on so as to be able to take and give cue info. having it in the desk means I can carry on pfl-ing while hearing comms traffic. I normally just use a desk channel not routed anywhere. although 'accidentally' adding comms singalong to the show can be very attractive.
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as we all know its a pain in the ars* to try and wear 2 pairs of heaphones


That's just reminded me of a project I thought of a while ago... making a box to connect between comms beltpack (canford etc) and headset, with an additional connection to the console's headphone socket. There would be a toggle switch so the sound op could use the same headset either as comms or headphones, thus avoiding constantly swopping around. I already have a large LED 'call' light to attract attention when needed! It would, of course, rely on having a headset good enough for monitoring purposes!


Has anyone done this already? Perhaps there is a product out there?


I guess it would also be possible to have a second switch to connect the headset mic to a desk channel for the 'voice of god' function! Starts getting confusing to use though ;)



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Has anyone done this already? Perhaps there is a product out there?


Yes, not me personally but someone I have worked with in the past had a little box that linked his main commset to both canford comms beltpack and desk headphone output, and desk talk back XLR.


It had to be fixed at the start of the week.... due to dropage, and the wiring looked fairly basic, just built into a small tin. I know the guy who made this is on the BR, but don't know if he posts, but if he see's this he may drop by and fill us in on how it was done.

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Im looking for something like the flashing light idea you mentioned, does nayone know how I could make one of these, I take it there pretty easy but I wouldn't know where to look

A Big TechPro call-light


They also have other projects like a show relay.



...and this has all been discussed here before, including circuit diagrams for a "build your own" version. See here and here.


Let's keep this thread on-topic (desk talkback), so any further discussions on big flashy lights should go in one of those threads please :)

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Let's keep this thread on-topic (desk talkback), so any further discussions on big flashy lights should go in one of those threads please :)


Woopsy, didnt know the topic of big flashy lights had been started.


But cheers for all that posted about the lights anyway its given me a few ideas.


Cheers for the replies, Its good to know what you guys use


1) Quick call down the mic to the monitors to say its the last song

2) Warning at 5 mins over run

3) monitors off at 10 mins over run

4) FOH off at 15 mins over run

5) Power off at 20mins


Thats a very good idea. are the monitors installed permanently ?



Cheers for all the replies,



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Thats a very good idea. are the monitors installed permanently ?


Well it depends on the venue but 99% of the time I have at least 1 monitor on stage and its funny how people react when I follow up on my threat to turn the monitors off. Again it depends on teh venue and I would never cut someone off mid-song.


I remember working at this one venue that was a big student union anyway the band I was working for was the only band playing so I turned up and did my thing with the most unhelpful system tech ever! During the show I lost the bass DI channel on the multicore so I'm about to send a runner to the stage to swap it for one of the overheads(which I was not using) when the system tech goes "Ahh dont bother the bass is loud enough!". So after the gig there is a few teachers/people coming up to speak on the 1 mic I had left live you know the normal stuff anyway half way through this woman talk FOH goes quiet, I'm on stage at this point minding my own business striking gear. I take a look up the FOH and see no one so I run up there and the desk is off and the multicore disconected so I power it back on and plug it back in. Still nothing. I run back down to the stage and he has killed the amp racks and disconected the speakers! Long story short(ish) we lend the woman a loud hailer we used in the band and they used that!


Turns out he cut the power EXCATLY on the minute he was booked until now remember this guy is a student and not booked or paid just doing it for his course! No warning nothing!


Anyway rant over!

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