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SPL in Youth Spaces


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Hi all, A youth club I go to has just, in the last year, been given given money to get a new sound system and the person who speced it got us this JB POWER SYSTEM VX700 + 2 X TXS15 along with some other stuff when we started up again after summer people started complaining about the sound levels saying it was hurting their ears and they were finding it hard to talk. The way the room is setup is slightly odd I will try to post a sketch or pic or something.


My Questions are:

  1. What is the maximum SPL in the Venue.
  2. What is the best tool to Measure the SPL considering the budget is practically nill
  3. What is the best tool for limiting the SPL again considering the budget is practically nill

Thanks in Advance,






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I think the crux of the problem here does not involve the regulations being the answer. I am sure someone will be along later to quote from the book but in my opinion if people are complaining it hurts their ears and is too loud then chances are it probably is too loud.

I am not saying you should instantly turn it down on the say of one person (we'd never get anywhere) but if a number of people are making this complaint then their reasoning is probably justified.


If the people using the place want it lower then TURN IT DOWN!


The system is at the lower end of the spectrum but shouldn't be too bad with correct setup and use.


Just out of curiosity what is the source material and style?



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I think the crux of the problem here does not involve the regulations being the answer. I am sure someone will be along later to quote from the book but in my opinion if people are complaining it hurts their ears and is too loud then chances are it probably is too loud.

I am not saying you should instantly turn it down on the say of one person (we'd never get anywhere) but if a number of people are making this complaint then their reasoning is probably justified.


If the people using the place want it lower then TURN IT DOWN!


The system is at the lower end of the spectrum but shouldn't be too bad with correct setup and use.


Just out of curiosity what is the source material and style?




There are about 7-8 people who think it is a bit loud and 1-2 who thinki it's very loud


The source material is basically what you hear on radio 1 plus disco stuff (Like Macarena)


Thanks for the fast reply


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So that's 10 people who think it is too loud, out of how many? If it's out of 12 then they're right. If it's out of 1000 then they're wrong. Are there people who think it's too quiet?


Can the speakers be placed to concentrate most of the volume into just a small part of the room. I assume not all the people who go to the club want to be at a disco.


Reading this topic may help, though it's not on exactly the same subject.

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you may find in a small room like that with those types of speakers the volume may not be to loud but the high can be two harsh this will be the killer not the bass/mid.

either do the obvious and turn it down, or try to pick up a cheep EQ and play about with the high end reducing the levels a bit untill you get a good volume with out the pain. try not to take to much out though or it may end up sounding dead.


another problem might be that the speakers are to close to peoples ears try lifting them up (if the room is tall enough) so the drivers aren't at ear hight this should reduce the harshness at the front but keep it loud through out the room.

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"Too Loud" in punter speak really means distorted. Check that the gain structure of the whole system doesnt introduce distortion anywhere. Even quietly distortion is unpleasant.


A hard finish on the walls will make the space very reverberant, keep the level down. perhaaps look at the system EQ. Turn it down til the users say it's too quiet then build it back up a little..

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It is definitely not distorting. I sorted that earlier this year and replaced both HF units but will try the EQ solution but as the adults there let anyone put on any music at any volume. I have to either Quote Stats and backup with readings to change the rules to allow only sensible persons behind the desk or get a physical Volume Limiter in there somewhere
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Just a thought...is it the people right at the front that think its too loud? You say the room is 16m long...so you would hear a considerably quieter signal at FOH than infront of the speaker units.


Harshness of the loudspeaker units at different frequencies would change depending on the loudspeaker cabinet and I am not sure how you can predict this without knowing what the product is?


If the budget is there I would get a second set of speakers further back in the room and reduce the level of your existing speakers to ensure even coverage, just make sure that you consider the distance as to whether a delay is necessary (ie whether it would be important enough to put one in)



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http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee189/smalljoshua/JCsFloorPlan.png this is what the space looks like it isn't very well designed

There are up to 30 in the space at any time

Just to point back to the image the green is the speakers, the red is the sofas and the Blue is the dance Floor so the speakers are at one end of the room and the dance floor at the other.

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Could those that think its too loud be those sat on the sofas?


Not trying to be awkward just trying to find a solution...


Would it be better to move the sound towards the dance area so that the sofa area is quieter and those dancing get more of the music?

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Could those that think its too loud be those sat on the sofas?


Not trying to be awkward just trying to find a solution...


Would it be better to move the sound towards the dance area so that the sofa area is quieter and those dancing get more of the music?

It is the people on the sofas that think it is too loud but the problem is that of the far wall between the speakers there is a projection screen and the speakers are part of a 5.1ch surround system aswel I personally try to keep the volume don but people as young as 12 use the system and are just asked to keep it down but the complaints always come back to me that is why I'm looking for a Stat to Quote or physcal limitation Budget Nill

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It's quite simple - if it's too loud, either turn it down or focus the sound more. It's up to you to decide how you do that, but I'd suggest that if the people on the sofas don't want to hear the music loud, and the people dancing do, turn off the speakers by the sofas and just leave the ones by the dance floor on.
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There are only 2 Speakers the ones by the Sofas so I can't

turn off the speakers by the sofas and just leave the ones by the dance floor on.

The speakers are cheap so it will be hard to

focus the sound more

But I might just try to

turn it down
but knowing some of the morons using the system the volume will remain un touched for all of 2 minutes.
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