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The vast majority of touring one-nighters we receive use Minidisc. Some have burnt CDs instead. I don't think we've ever had anything that used a sampler or pc-based playback.


As for confusion of MDs. That sounds like a labelling and organisation issue to me - although I thought the whole point of using MD is that you compile the whole set of cues onto one disc and put it in the right order. Nice and easy.

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MD is always my preference.


Did a show on DAT about 10 years ago and ran into difficulty - apparently the head alignment can differ between machines, meaning that the venue's player could play DATs they'd recorded on it, but couldn't play ours. We summoned our DAT player from the other end of the M8 and our tape worked perfectly in it.

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SFX and that type of programe is the way forward! I love SFX its sh!t hot, running it alongside cooledit pro2 its a dream to use, easy to edit easy to do that is why its becoming industry standard! ive also used G-type with a sampler I just find it too long winded to do and to programme your samples/fx up, but I hear a rumour that the new version of G-type is gonna have wav play back aswell which could rival SFX if not beter it!


MD is #### it sounds compressed and un-natural, takes a #### load of top end off I think its anything over 15k! CD is still quality! Dat is a pain in the ass!



Bring back revox!!!!!!

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Ever used revox? 


Don't remind me.


I understand ampex no longer sell coloured leader tape.


I don't have fond memories of sitting up at 3AM splicing in the changes to the last night's plot ready for the next rehersal in the morning.


MD is #### it sounds compressed and un-natural, takes a #### load of top end off I think its anything over 15k! CD is still quality! Dat is a pain in the ass!


ATRAC compression offers a psychoacoustic compression algorithm in order to reduce the data rate sufficiently to fit a useable amount of media on such a small magnetic disk.


Try taking a decent off air recording of a well mixed concert from say, Radio 3 and compare the recordings on CD DAT REVOX and MD. Particularly their respective responce to recording the original programme material from Radio 3 above 15K


Just an experiment....





ATRAC compression

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The vast majority of touring one-nighters we receive use Minidisc.  Some have burnt CDs instead.  I don't think we've ever had anything that used a sampler or pc-based playback. 


As for confusion of MDs.  That sounds like a labelling and organisation issue to me - although I thought the whole point of using MD is that you compile the whole set of cues onto one disc and put it in the right order.  Nice and easy.

The tour of 'Girls Night ' which I took out at the end of last year used SFX to control the show. SFX triggered the digital sound desk and the 520 by midi, and the play back the backing tracks and spot fx. It took 3 days to program the Q sequences (250 LX Qs - 85 radio microphone Qs and 25 backing tracks) but on tour it meant that 1 man could operate the show.


Moderation, 20/2/04, 10:04 - advertising removed.

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Being an all-rounder, I have done SFX a fair bit (Casette, Revox, CD, MD & PC).


For the budget consious, I think MD used to be a good choice, but Sony et. al. seem to have removed Auto Pause from their domestic models. So since I have a laptop, I would have to go for PC because I can guarantee that I will forget to stop the playback at some time if I were to use CD!


As for software, last time I adapted a MS Direct Sound sample program in VB to give me a button for each effect (no I don't still have it).

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Mainly using MD here - don't find any quality issues in general live situation. Sometimes CD, sometimes Soundplant (thanks to Blue Room for the link!)- still some dance companies using good old ferric tapes (recently had one local company that had been using the same show tape for 15 years - guess who it finally failed on!!!)


Re: "For the budget consious, I think MD used to be a good choice, but Sony et. al. seem to have removed Auto Pause from their domestic models." we have a few Tascam decks (MD301 / MD350) - these use "Auto Ready" which is actually auto pause - I picked up the MD350 last week for £275 (from a well known supplier!) and I think they are splendid for that kind of cash.

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