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stage size


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What line of thought are you following to lead you to the conclusion that the concert stages you've seen are too big? Do you not think that if a promoter (who's in the business of making money) could have saved some of their budget by spec'ing a smaller stage, they would have done so?
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Actually, there's rarely a technical reason for the size of stage used for most big arena or stadium concerts. I've been lucky enough to see the Rolling Stones appear on a tiny stage in the corner of a Toronto bar...and they still rocked.


However, when punters pay £80 or £100 for a ticket to a big show, they don't just want music; they want spectacle. This includes big stages, video screens, moving lights, audience blinders, etc. etc.


For the most part, when talking about concerts, the stage size is a production decision, not a technical one.



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Well with a large stage at a festival it is also for practical reasons as well as "spectacle". You need room to manoeuvre rolling risers of drums, keyboards etc. Some festivals don't use a roller system and the headliner's gear, after they have set up and maybe soundchecked can be pushed to the back of stage and other bands set up in front. Obviously depth is important in this case! Behind the stage is usually an area anything up to half of what's out front for pre-rigging your backline and miking up, storage of flight cases etc. The wings should be generous enough to accommodate backline techs' work areas, storage, monitor world and all the bits and bobs that go with that.

The worst one to deal with is the headliner who will not move anything even though it is on wheels, spiked just in case and all plugged in ready to go but will not push back even a couple of feet and the other bands are left with an area the size of a postage stamp to play on :)

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It should be just the right height......no camera ops or security blocking the view and the front row don't get massive kricks in their necks!

If I can see what's going on from the FOH tower, that's OK by me. One thing I really hate is the FOH sound platform being built too high (usually when light op is in the same level as you). Sometimes I feel I should be manning a machine gun nest...mind you I've got the "searchlights" above me! :off:

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