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cardboard skips


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Hi all,


I need to get a hold of 5 or 6 of the big cardboard skips that touring companies use for the like of props, wardrobe, cables etc.


The kind I mean are the big deep heavy duty cardboard ones with the lift off lids and usually have a hemp handle either side.


if anyone can help me locate some that would be great!


thanks for reading



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We have 3 spare ones in our basement. They have wooden runners, metal handles and flip back lids.

If you are in London with a van any time soon, they are yours.


I was talking to a friend about Robert Knight this week who said he thought that they were no-more. Can anyone confirm or refute this?

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I hope so, as only last week we had a freshly built set from them for one of our shows! :wacko: I have seen loads of fresh looking skips from Robert Knights recently so should be no problem to get some...



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