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Need PA hire advice


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As some of you may have gathered by now, I play in a 4 piece rock band. We don't play at death metal volumes but are moderately loud. Our own PA consists of 2 Mackie SR1530's, 12 channel desk, foldback (now powered by TA2400) which does us well for local pubs and small venues up to 100 people.


Occaisionally we do a larger gig, say 500-700 people and we have in the past hired a KV2 (2.5kw per side) rig, just the amps and speakers, for £80 which is delivered and set up and then the guy goes away. As far as I could tell on stage it seemed quite good but it was a not a function where we needed to be loud so NOT a fair test for how good the KV2 was cranked up. Today I popped into a PA hire place to ask the guy how much they charge for a rig..... turns out they don't dry hire but will deliver and set up an Electrovoice QRX rig (4x2x18 subs + 4 tops, total about 10Kw) for about £350 guid. Both firms reckon their rig is suitable for up to 1,000 heads.


Ummm...bit of a difference here I think, although the KV2 is praised for its efficiency. Certainly a huge difference in cost.


Anyone care to advise ?

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I've never heard of KV2, but suspect that for that amount of people, if you want it at rock levels, with the information given, that it wouldn't be sufficient.


Now the EV is more likely to do what you want. If it's not a dry hire, then presumably the guy from the company will stay there all night. If so, then he could mix the band for you. It's monumentally difficult to mix a band, and play in it at the same time, so the combination of outside control, and a gutsy rig could be worth the money.


Having said that, if no one's complaining/commenting that the other rig you use isn't loud enough/doesn't sound good enough, then perhaps it's fine, and the money can go in your pocket rather than someone elses.

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I've heard the QRx stuff at the Wembley PA Centre, it was only a pair of 218s and a pair of 115s but I was massively impressed both with the clarity and the bottom end kick and depth.


As others have said, £350 for what they're offering sounds brilliant.

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Just to clarify, the £354 was *just* for the speakers, amps and crossover. He charges £750 for the whole rig which includes, mixing desk, foldback, outboard etc. I haven't hired PA stuff for about 30 years so I wouldn't know whether it is good value or not. Hence the query really.


The last rig I hired was a 5k system in 1978 and I paid the guy (who strangley enough is now a girl) £75 for the night ;)

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I've never heard of KV2, but suspect that for that amount of people, if you want it at rock levels, with the information given, that it wouldn't be sufficient.


Now the EV is more likely to do what you want. If it's not a dry hire, then presumably the guy from the company will stay there all night. If so, then he could mix the band for you. It's monumentally difficult to mix a band, and play in it at the same time, so the combination of outside control, and a gutsy rig could be worth the money.


Having said that, if no one's complaining/commenting that the other rig you use isn't loud enough/doesn't sound good enough, then perhaps it's fine, and the money can go in your pocket rather than someone elses.


KV2 is highly efficient as Rob says. I suspect the original poster had an ES1.0 and either 2 18's or a double 15 a side. Saying ES because he mentioned amps and EX series from KV is all in one box solution, its unlikely you could get a VHD stack for £80. It depends on the size of the room and required SPL as to whether it will be enough, however assuming the hire company has more based on their pricing you could double the system up (2 ES1.0's and 4 18's/ 2 Double 15's) for £160. I've used that size ES system a fair amount and it would easily rock 700 people and then some. That's much cheaper than the EV system.


PM sent to BigYinUK.

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Its also worth bearing in mind that loudness is measured in decibels, and to have a look at the sensitivity of the speakers you are using can make quite a difference.


There is a rough calculator guide thingy that can show you how loud something is going to be in decibels, click here and enter the info you have.


like I say its only a rough guide but will help you determine the spl of the soundsystem you are considering, you might not need too much power at all.

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As some of you may have gathered by now, I play in a 4 piece rock band. We don't play at death metal volumes but are moderately loud. Our own PA consists of 2 Mackie SR1530's, 12 channel desk, foldback (now powered by TA2400) which does us well for local pubs and small venues up to 100 people.


Occaisionally we do a larger gig, say 500-700 people and we have in the past hired a KV2 (2.5kw per side) rig, just the amps and speakers, for £80 which is delivered and set up and then the guy goes away. As far as I could tell on stage it seemed quite good but it was a not a function where we needed to be loud so NOT a fair test for how good the KV2 was cranked up. Today I popped into a PA hire place to ask the guy how much they charge for a rig..... turns out they don't dry hire but will deliver and set up an Electrovoice QRX rig (4x2x18 subs + 4 tops, total about 10Kw) for about £350 guid. Both firms reckon their rig is suitable for up to 1,000 heads.


Ummm...bit of a difference here I think, although the KV2 is praised for its efficiency. Certainly a huge difference in cost.


Anyone care to advise ?


Knowing some of our customers who rent ES systems out, £80 per night is very cheap for this system. I would have thought £100+ per night, dry hire is more realistic - you're getting a good deal there!

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Knowing some of our customers who rent ES systems out, £80 per night is very cheap for this system. I would have thought £100+ per night, dry hire is more realistic - you're getting a good deal there!



I *do* know its a very good deal.


BTW I think we met at Plasa !

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