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JBL Vs. Mackie (Speakers)

DMX Will

JBL Vs. Mackie (Speakers)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. In general (in terms of quality, lifespan, ease of use etc) which do you rate as the better brand for speakers?

    • JBL
    • Mackie

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I've always been a Mackie fan, the question is though, for what type of work. Mine (SA1521's) have coped with most things I've thrown at them, though I probably wouldn't use them on delicate sound reinforcement (theat's where srm350's come in). Some issues with the new manufacturing standards, but mine are old so I can't comment!
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I voted JBL because of there wide range of products. From small boxes to larger arrayable (including line array) boxes. I don't think the poll is a particularly fair one to be honest, sorry. Thinking back, I didn't ought to vote at all because of this.



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It's not a clear cut thing here a bit like apples against oranges.


JBL make a stupidly wide range of products (I'd hazard a guess at around 1000) ranging from MI to full-on pro stuff.

Mackie do alot less (about 50) all of them MI standard.


You really should ask for Loud Technologies(Mackie/EAW) Vs JBL

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