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Hi Guys and Girls


I have just bought a Tang DMX Controlled Laser and a Soundlab DMX512 36 channel controller. For some bizzare reason I cannot get the laser out of audio control and on to the DMX control. I have tried many differant combinations on the laser but I cannot get the controller and laser to sync. I have tried the lead that came with the laser and also tried it with a reverse lead but still no joy. Unfrortunatly I did not get the instuctions with the controller and was told that a kid could set it up.

If anyone can shed some light on this I would be most grateful.


Thanks in advance.


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First stop?

Use the web.

Soundlab gear is widely used and the Electrovision web site has numerous controllers listed - most if not all with downloadable manuals.

Is yours here....?


Next - have you searched for the manual for the laser?

I have no direct experience with lasers, but suspect they'll be similar to any DMX unit in that you may have to specify the personality on your controller, and that usually means taking the info from the manual. (Assuming of course your controller can take personalities and isn't just a straight one-for-one DMX output...


It would also help if you gave the model of the controller/laser as it's rather difficult to comment on items we can't see.....

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I imagine it will be something to do with the dipswitches. Is there two sets? the smaller set will probably be to switch from audio control to DMX.

Have you assigned the main set to start at channel 1 ? .Set all the switches up with just the first one down.

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