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Le Maitre gerb holders


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OK - here's the thing....


We have a show in next week that's going to be rather pyro-heavy (thanks to fellow BR member Paul R!!) - lots of gerbs and waterfalls and stuff, but the flaw in the plan is that we don't have any standard gerb holders and the like for the 18mm Prostage range. No problem, I thought - one of the hire co's will surely have these on the shelf for hire.....


But no - all of my usual suspects do not in fact appear to hire the darned things!! :(

I actually find this rather odd, to be honest - anyone see the reason why??


Stage LX, CTS, Hawthorn, Showtech... None of them.


Which gives me a problem - becasue I'm certainly not going to be buying the number we need - not just for one show!


So the question is, ia there anyone out there in the land of the Blue Room who can help out with a week's hire of the following:

4 * 90 degree mine holder 34mm (PP115)

8 * 45 degree gerb holder 18mm (PP108)

4 * 3 way array plate 18mm (PP103)


Ideally we need them for Monday next week for the week.

Anyone able to assist, can you PM me ASAP, please?

Unless anyone can suggest a decent hire co that'll be able to supply...


Thanks guys.



<embarrassed edit>


Well, corrected my idiot seeling errer in Google and suddenly found several 'players' with the kit in hire stock...

;) :( :oops:

Fired off a couple of e-mails - hopefully get a hit in the morning.

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