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Into the Woods jnr show


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Sorry I can't help on the Junior version as I've only worked on the full one (I didn't even know there was a 'junoir version. In the full musical there is definatley three midnights, without duplicating all of the text here the Wikipeadia synopsis is quite conprehensive: LinkIt's been a good while since I've done into the woods, Quite a good one to light, but I can't help thinking why a junior version, is it a one act cut down, or a shool version? Sondhiem is difficult at the best of times, but to chop it up and feed it to the kids? Maybe this should be moved out to General?Digging around ' The Child friendly' version has had all of Act II chopped out, as well as some of the more sinister bits from Act I No wonder you can't find all of the bit you need with only half of the Musical...
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Ah right thanks for that. Its a college production that we are doing to go on tour to schools at Christmas. I have got to teach my students the lighting on this one. Oh it is going to be fun isn't it! Its only about v50 mins long, but it is going to be difficult to light the play in the context its supposed to be now!


Thanks for the heads up Neil

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In the full version (and in the jnr one too I would have expected) there is a song called "The Last Midnight" - that's no.3! ;)




Just realised that "The Last Midnight" is at the end of Act 2 and is about how someone is going to die. I'm guessing it has been cut from the jnr version! That would explain your problem! :(

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As far as I remember, the junior version of the show is the first act of the full show which has had the songs slightly altered/re-pitched to suit younger voices - so they all do live happily ever after! And the Third Midnight doesn't happen until Act 2 of the complete show, so that'll be why you can't find it ;)
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  • 4 months later...
Thanks for everything guys. I think that has answered my question now mods!!!!!

Interesting to hear you all talk about Into The Woods. I'm about to do the Jr. version. I love the script, the concept and the characters, and yes the full version is not for kids. We have no budjet for anything except to paid for the rights to perform it. So, when it come to costumes, lights and scenery we're pretty much on our own. The kids buy or rent their costumes. Scenery, I can pretty much get that together. I only have eight stage lights (Fernels) and the lighs the the sschool stage which is very minamal. Any sugesstions how I could best light this show with what I have?



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Ahhh, Into The Woods! Last May I lit the junior/schools version. I can't say I found it particually hard to light but we had an impressive static set with just trucks to make the houses/grandmothers bed etc etc.


I could dig out the rig diagram if it helps?


Edit: Take that back...just realised how long ago the first post was!

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Thats hilarious I have to say..innocent mistake..but 3 midnights..it means its set over 3 nights..not as if theres 3 midnights and the imaginary new one is made up!! Not too much difference in most of the Broadway Junior series..a few cuts but essentially the same production if the company are serious..kids can be so much better to work with at times!
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