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Sound Engineer Headphones?


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I'm starting a course late September and ive got to buy some enclosed headphones, now I dont want to get cheap ones so im looking 

for headphones around the £100 mark, can anyone suggest any good models as such.

My course is related to lperformance sound as I 

am trying to become a live sound engineer.


Many Thanks



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The DT100 series are pretty bomb proof, and do keep a lot of sound out, and headphone sound in - BUT they have a rather odd sound, the DT150's are similar but better sounding.


Chris - how can you recommend something you haven't actually heard? Crazy, if the OP bought some and hates the sound, he'd blame you!


The other really bad thing about them is that they make your ears sweat like mad. They are pretty comfortable, once you get used to the clamping sensation.


For use in the studio, they are great, purely because the isolation allows decent levels and minimal leakage.


The cable is replaceable, and different versions of the headphones are available with one or two earpieces, with or without a boom mic.


Also worth considering are the Sennheiser ones sold as DJ Headphones, these are also tough, but have a more 'hi-fi' type sound.


If you don't have deep pockets to afford the 150's, the Beyer DT250 is a really nice sounding headphone - I had a pair on loan, and was quite sad to hand them back.


These 3 are going to set you back between about 50 and 90 quid(ish) but I still buy the 100's because I know they will last, and can be abused. I have a single pair of 150s and the difference in quality is pretty obvious, but maybe not worth the 20 quid difference. If you have the cash, then the 150's are best - subject to the comments above.

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I have the DT100's I bought them for college.


They are great they have lasted a year at college a trip to america and a few tour and still work perfectly.


But I aggree with before the DT150's do have a better frequency responce and are better depending on applications.


Both are woth a look and you can get them cheaper than studio spares.

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Its a personal thing, you should demo some. I would consider Sennheiser HD280 and HD25, Beyer DT100, DT150, DT250, AKG K240...


As a live sound engineer, you probably won't care much how they sound (did I just say that :) ), as long as they are super loud. Aim for something around 60-80ohm to achieve this on most mixer's headphone outs without reaching the current limit of the amp. You will also want to evaluate noise rejection, because most of the time you'll be trying to block out a loud sound system and the screaming punters.


I have HD280s, and like them.



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Hi All,

As a sound engineer in the in the corporate world I would recommend buying something that you can afford to loose. Unless you keep them round your neck there is a good chance they will go walkies!


I use either an old pair of AKG or Sennheiser cans. They are both tough but in expensive.

I don't find that audio quality is so important because I will listen to the Mix or a monitor and mostly use them for PFL. But I have been on a multi day gig and left radio mics in the 'locked room' and they stole my cans! Same goes for laptops lock it or loose it!


Hope this is of use from a different view.






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I've got a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770s, which I would reccomend. They sound good (in my opinion), seemed to block out more external noise than the DT100s I have used and are reasonably robust. I've had mine a fair few not particularly careful years and they are holding up fine.
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I quite like the DT150s that others have recommended when I'm in a studio environment or for location recording but for live sound work I almost always use the Sony MDR 7506 cans that have be previously mentioned. Either is available for around the £100 street price.


It's worth saying that they have quite different sounds...and also feel very different when clamped to your head. If you can get a chance to try before you buy, this is a situation where it would be very worthwhile since you might find yourself wearing these for hours at a time. What starts as a minor discomfort when you first put them on becomes hell an hour later!



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Another vote for the DT 100s. I've had two pairs for the last 20 years!!, never let me down, built like tanks, and a very flat response ( although this can be mistaken for an odd sound as the manufacturer has not coloured the sound ). Also worth considering that you can buy spares for these headphones ( unlike some cheaper brands) from replacement drivers down to individual screws. I agree with Paul that if you are going to wear them for long periods they can be a little uncomfortable and leave you a little sweaty, but if you doing live sound you should be using your ears. Headphones sit on your PFL to check individual channels. I use mine for a max of 30 secs a go!
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I can only vouch for the Senn HD-25 which I got for my DJing as they were simply the best option. they also seem to work well in a live environment so for me it was a happy accident. As has been said, hifi is not really necessary, but being able to hear what is going on is. the HD's manage this very well and are nice and light. Order the optional lead extension though, the standard one is very short if you're working on a wide board.
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