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Induction (Hearing assitive) loops and mutlicores


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well our usual multicore run goes straight over, but not through our loop. If you imagine a squared loop, the the multi run enters about 5 o'clock, and exits normally about 1 o'clock. From time to time people use a closer mix position that enters the same place but ends within the loop. never had any trouble at all. The loop is in a slot in the floor, the mult0 crosses about 10mm above it.
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Thanks guys.


I've never had (unfixable) problems with a loop either, but I've never run the multi right down the middle, only down the side. I'd no reason to suspect that the middle would be worse than the sides, but thought I'd ask anyway.


I fully concur with unbalanced signals like composite video get the worked over feeling from the loop. Especially "when in reality there's just 100mA / m of rabid mains hum in the room topped up with a small amount of unintelligible speech ;-)" Yep, it was worth the question just to quote that bit from this thread

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A church whose PA I look after has their multi running straight through the loop, crossing it twice. Doesn't cause any problems on balanced signals. I haven't ever tried unbalanced audio, but the coax composite video line does ok.
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I've never had (unfixable) problems with a loop either, but I've never run the multi right down the middle, only down the side. I'd no reason to suspect that the middle would be worse than the sides, but thought I'd ask anyway.


The signal increases towards the edge of the loop - since that is where the highest field strength is.

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Mark hit my concern on the head; most of the cabling at FOH is unbalanced, inserts, line ins, CD, etc etc etc, and the wiring inside any desk that I'm ever likely to afford to buy or rent is also unbalanced, albeit in a generally metal box.


When my standard venue gets redone, we'll doubltess have a loop (which is good), but the back across section of the loop is probably going to be within an angstrom unit or two of the desk and outboard...

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In the installation I originally mentioned, the loop ran within 300mm of the sound operators head. All of the equipmment was inside the loop. The mic and line outs were all balanced but plenty of local unbalanced feeds. No problems were encountered.


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sorry to kinda hi-jack this topic... but, in our new building, the main hall (also where most of the productions will be held) there is an induction loop fitted... my problem is... I havent had any experience with one.... theres a box in the back room... although I havent really had a chance to look at it...


should there be a line from the mixer to the box?



where does it go from the box?

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