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Deadly Nightcap Plot


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The amateur company I do "work" with is staging Deadly Nightcap at the end of Sept. and I have been asked to design sound and light.


Here is the lighting plot I have drawn up for the show, colours are obviously not an exact representation, but our collection of gels is pretty haphazard, so colouring done by eye. They represent open white, pink/yellow (warm), blue/steel (cool), and dark blue (night-time!). The grey areas are set that is of note for my purposes, sofa and armchair, telephone stand and a desk. the stage and position of lanterns are roughly to scale, but lantern size is obviously not.


I have tried to divide the downstage area (downstage of the sofa) into 3 independent areas, with the cool stage up during daytime scenes and the warm up at night to represent artificial light. The sofa is then lit cool at all times, with heavy angled light to give things a slightly strange feel (the play is a comedy for the first 7 pages, and then goes into murder mystery mode). One 223s at the rear (white) is to provide general wash for the back wall of the set (I'm told there will be paintings and such like) Blue 223 is tab warmer.


Just wanted some feedback on how successful you think this rig will be in pulling off what I am trying to achieve (cold atmosphere for daytime (winter) and strong motivational light for night time, the play is sort of 50/50). I have 24 channels of dimming, and access to more 123s more 223s and lots and lots of 23s.


Again the plot is available Here. Help much appreciated

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I often add a bit of 156 (chocolate) in with a dark blue (119) wash to give it a bit of a lift



Thats a nice idea!! I think 156 is an under used colour!! I always use it for lighting pine wood etc! mind you, I think putting 119 into a 123's not gonna do a lot, unless the lamp is pretty much on its on in a Q.


try some stark side light as well, when it gets into the murder part. treat it like an old B&W movie. lots of shadow and obscure angles.

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I could put up another 223 with some 119 in it, for this stage size it 223s work nicely as a wash. I have about another 2.5kw to work with as well, but only 2 more channels. I'm rigging this lot tomorrow most likely, so can always experiment and change things later
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