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Help with SGM Palco 3


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I have problem with sgm palco 3


1. When I connect it on martin lightjockey every time hits some SIGNAL ERROR ???


standard 5pin connector is changed with XLR 3 pin connector, everything is connected properly but

doesn`t work.




2. How can BOOST turn ON???


In my MENU is some CODE 0-3000 and when I type some number code it`S write ERROR!!!


In manual writes that boost menu is just ON or OFF but my software version is 2.9 and it`s like I write before.





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The error is an odd little one it has come up a few times in the past and the thing that normally solves it is to disconnect the ground in the XLR and see if this helps, the ground is not connected inside the unit and links strait to the XLR for the DMX out.


From memory the code you want is 47 though it may be 67 it has been a few months since I have looked at one.


Just for reference I am providing this information as the ex technician for Lightfactor who are the UK suppliers and distributors for the product. I have no current connection to the company but if you have further questions give them a shout on 01923 698080 and talk to the service department they are always very friendly and helpful


Hope this helps



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THANKS, you help me a lot.


Now with code 47 I can turn on BOOST and acquire extra light ( about 20% in my rating ).

And with signal error I have just change polarity and now everything work fine.


I have look for a long time what to buy and now I`m sure that SGM PALCO 3 is the right thing.

Once again thanks for help and I very appreciate your`s fast reply.


BTW do you maybe know what mean command RESERVED it`s also have some code number between 0-3000???



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Before you go and buy Palco3 I suggest you look at DTS Delta R. After running comparisons between the two I had no doubt that the Delta was better - same power but with combined RGB LED's, so no strange artifacts, colours are the same from any viewing angle and whites esp. warm are excellent. When comparing moving versions the Delta has full range unlike the Palco and is much faster. Same lens options as Palco & also with boost. Only disadvantage I can see is Delta is a bit bigger. I've been running now on shows for about 6 months and am very happy with them.


Most importantly they are cheaper than the Palco!


Speak to AC for a demo.

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I have a lot read about DELTA and SGM LED colour changers and both have advantages and disadvantage`s.

Allegedly DTS DELTA R give more light than SGM PALCO 3 that you can see if you compare photometric results on 5m, 10 m you can see that DELTA R is a little brighter ( but that is normally because PALCO 3 have total LED POWER 100W and DELTA R have 120W total power). SGM PALCO is nice looking!!!


Next step I decide to buy DELTA (and people on forum has told me that DELTA is cheaper) and I contact locally DEALER for DTS in Croatia and locally dealer for DTS has give me a insolent high price I think 3.430 € per unit with VAT or without VAT 2.811€( 2.570 pounds).

The SGM dealer was more friendly and the rest of story is clear..........even a palco 5 I could buy cheaper than DTS DELTA R.


I can`t imagine how can somebody be so arrogant in business when competition is every day stronger.


If you have something to add, just write!!!



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Well, not much to add if you can't get it cheaper. Here in UK approx 70% price of Palco. You are being charged more than twice real price - I think you should find another dealer! As for light output, both were quoted at 2800 lumen when I last looked but reality is the Delta seemed to give more when run next to each other. The real advantage is the combined RGB.


And does the Palco5 actually exist?!

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And does the Palco5 actually exist?!



Yes the palco 5 exists, though the palso 3 really drives the LEDs at about 3.8 watts and the palco 5 at 4.8 so its worth thinking if you really want the 5 or if you want the 3 so that you can easily and quickly get hold of more if required as this is what all the hire market has



As for the reserved menu, this is there as a way to adjust the colour balance be reducing or increasing each colour in small increments. It is very hard to get this just right. It is set in the factory before shipping and is easy to mess up the output in this menu because of this I wont try to remember what the code is as if you need this done return it to your dealer.

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Well, not much to add if you can't get it cheaper. Here in UK approx 70% price of Palco. You are being charged more than twice real price - I think you should find another dealer! As for light output, both were quoted at 2800 lumen when I last looked but reality is the Delta seemed to give more when run next to each other. The real advantage is the combined RGB.


And does the Palco5 actually exist?!





Yes PACO 5 exist!!!


When I came to local dealer he have PALCO 3 and 5 on stock so we have tried both palco 3 and 5.

My conclusion is that PALCO 5 about 50% powerfully than PALCO 3 but the most contrast was shown at outdoor usage.

....it`s really powerful ! ! !


I think to buy about 4-8 piece of PALCO 5 because it will replace some griven 2500 when is possible, of course.



Now I`m in SGM group so all my led colour changer will be from them, I think that light brightness between PALCO 3 and DELTA R are similarly and we must admit that PALCO look much nicer.






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