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Stage Laser Control - Help?


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Earlier this year I brought a GVG - 705 50mW double beam green laser via ebay.

Now my band has just got to the stage where we're thinking of using it but we need some way of controlling it live from the stage ourselves using our feet. All we need is something to turn it off and on as we will keep it in music mode so don't need anything DMX wise. In the manual it recommends a stop button connected to the interlock switch at the back of the laser but I can't find anything like that online.

Could anyone help me out atall? Some linsk would also be much appreciated.


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The simplest solution is probably still a DMX foot switch. Channel 1 should control off/on/music trigger if the software across their range is the same.


Failing that, get one of those leads that goes on domestic lamps (uplighters) that has a simple push button footswitch. Put that on stage and you can cut the power at will for the laser. Don't muck about with the keyswitch, they're fragile at best.

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There's a latching footswitch from Farnell here, or a momentary one here. Your choice would depend on how you want to operate.


I couldn't see the manual in PDF format on the GVG website so can't really help any more than that.




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Thanks guys!

Your advice is much appreciated.

Unfortunately the laser takes a few seconds to warm up once it's turned on and I really need it to be instant so I'm not sure about using the latching footswitch device to turn it off and on at the mains (if that's what it does... please correct me if I'm wrong). Plus it states in the manual that doing so would damage the laser. So it looks like I'll be looking for a DMX floor based controller... know of any good ones?

Thanks again!

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