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Apollo Scrollers


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Does anyone own any Apollo scrollers (7.25) who also has a stock of Source Fours? If so, I am interested if you have ever put these units on the front of your source fours? If so do you use a backing plate, where did you get your backing plate from? How good is the lock off with the unit on the front?

I know the are smaller scrollers available, but I am trying to get a scroller within budget that will fit our entire range of lighting stock...


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As StevieR mentioned, Stage Electrics has a large number of Apollo Smart Color 7.25 scrollers, complete with mounting plates and Apollo Gel Shield for heat protection. You may try ringing David Bell @ (117) 982-7282 for a cutsheet or demo unit. I would suggest trying a unit or two before purchasing so you may see how well the SC 7.25 works with a large range of instruments.


Info is also available at http://www.internetapollo.com/Products/Pro...w.aspx?pl_id=43





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If you're dealing with Mr Bell then his advice is always good and he wouldn't sell you something that was a bit cr*p!


He should also be more than happy to put you in touch with some other customers that he has sold these to so you can have a chat with them.



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I have 6 Apollo 7.25 or how ever many inch, with the universal back plate so they fit on anything from a minnuette to a par 64. They are used on my s 4s all the time and Ive never had a problem, the unit holds its focus even when horizontal. So yes there good cheep and do the job!

HTH Pete

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