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PC Laptop as fx Unit


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What software do I need to be able to use a USB soundcard on my laptop as an FX unit (reverb/delay)?


IE dry signal comes in, is processed, and goes out with a nice reverb. Latency is not (in this case) too much of an issue.


I have available Wavelab, Cool Edit Pro & 2000. I have seen another engineer, using a mac, and I believe Protools doing this.




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There isn't a major problem doing this, as you say, if latency isn't an issue - and to be honest, the latency with current computers is no longer the issue it was - then fire away. The only question I have is 'why?' - surely a hardware reverb is cheaper and more reliable than a decent laptop and expensive software, just ticking along running a reverb plug-in?


The only thing to remember is that using a laptop in this way does mean a few tweaks to maintain audio performance, so if your intention was to use the laptop for other tasks at the same time - I'd not be so happy. I installed Network Magic on my Carillon computer, and can't find a way of stopping it doing 'something' - whatever it does - presumably some kind of network monitoring, because when it does it I get a tiny glitch in the audio output which is very annoying.



On the latency issue - people are using the outputs for monitoring with no noticeable latency, so making it work is just down to the software you have. As long as you have real time monitoring, you are away.

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I figure why not- I'm already bringing the lappy so why not have it act as an fx unit. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone done it with any of the programs I listed above.


(Plus, I haven't found an inexpensive reverb that isn't metalic-sounding)



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well, I've just spent an hour or so trying this out, with mixed results.


Using Cubase SX3 - real time fx is no problems at all.


Sony Sound Forge 9 - couldn't get it to work on through audio - same thing on


Wavelab or audition, the on-screen displays indicate it was working, but no output.


So I'm sure it's a device set-up problem, that maybe I could sort out - but I use this things (well SF and SX3) daily, so dare not mess too much as I don't want to wreck them. The indications on screen show the correct plug-ins are selected, and they work fine in record, then play mode - what I can't get them to do is process through audio.


This needs somebody else to try - it could be that they cannot do it in real time - so for now, I suggest you try to get somebody else with a different hardware system to try. Not at all what I expected. I did get one interesting on-screen message on Wavelab - indicating that the selected plug-in was not suitable for real time processing, suggesting that using a different plug-in, it should be possible - however, I tried lots, and they didn't work.

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There are dedicated live VST hosts for this kind of thing. Sound On Sound ran an article on them sometime ago.


When I have my PC out doing playback duties I'll often also use it for mix or buss processing, but I don't use VSTs; my EMU soundcard has onboard DSP effects that are independent of the PCs CPU and RAM. I normally use it across the vocal buss for narrow Q feedback taming eq and a small amount of compression, though I have used it for reverb before.

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Iindeed. I'd go to console.jp, download it, and then get some VST plugins and see what you like.


Edited to say: I've never tried console live in live out, it may or may not work, uyou'll need to try it. Both input and output should be on the same soundcard or clock phase shift could cause clicking.

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I just tried console and although not the simplest thing in the world to set up, once I fugured out the way it works graphically, it sprang into life, and works rather nicely. The thing I didn't work out was that you had to press a 'play' button for the input to reach the output. The nice way you can chain things is pretty useful, too. - it isn't cheap, but it does what it says!


I did crash it 3 times when it didn't like certain plug-ins, and I've done it again deleting connections, but once it works, it seems stable (so far)

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Well... It seems that Console is the software for me, and will cost around $100 (I think) to register. But I need a low-latency (ie ASIO-supporting) sound interface with USB/Firewire. So I need to save around $400 for that as well- but then I get a MIDI interface, which I also need, so I suppose it all works out.


Will let you all know how it goes when I get it all finally setup.


Edit- And I suppose I would be looking at spending that much anyway, for a pair of acceptable fx units.


Thanks for your help guys!

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  • 5 months later...
Although it costs money apple have created a program called Mainstage which comes with there logic packages, it allows you to build tracks with effects and sends ect like there sequencer but is designed for live use, I use it for both pa and my guitar and have never had any problems with it. (running on a macbook pro)
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  • 3 months later...

Tonight I have used this as a get out of jail free card! First two numbers of the show were without reverb after the built in fx on our mackie desk decided it didnt want to see an input, then I tried to find a psu for an old external unit, couldnt get that, then lots of adaptors and short leads later I got audio into the pc and back to the desk.


Soundforge doesnt seem to want to apply fx to a live signal, that only wants to work with recorded material... what else do we have... I have seen something that resembles a mixer in the creative programs with the sound card... oh whats this, creative volume control in Audio Creation Mode and there is a cheep and cheerful reverb. That will do for me!


Just an idea for anyone who may find themselves in the same boat as me.

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