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Midi in to desk

The Boogie Man

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Hi Troops,


Next door in sound we were talking about midi control of sound sources, drum machines, backing tracks etc.

As I've now got a controller, Rocktron Midi Mate, which seems quite happy moving effects racks up and down, I want to start on the Lighting. Most of the desk questions ( suitability channel numbers etc ) have been covered in other topics, but it was mentioned that some desks aren't very "good"? with midi in. Does anyone have any pointers as to which desks to avoid given that midi in is to be the only control of the desk?



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Um, well I never got MIDI to do anything else but channel flash on my Strand MX. I know it should be possible to trigger the stacks in my Axiom amongst other things. At Uni, a Mac with ?SAM? MIDI automation software did something to a Wholehog 2, but other than that, I don't know, sorry!


Edit: Yes it was SAM - http://www.cadac-sound.com/uploaded_Photos...ure%20Final.pdf

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Well, whats your budget? No good us talking about higher end desks when you are looking at the bottom of the market.


You should be ok if you can select which cc to send on your controller? Then it's just a case of looking for the midi chart in the manual and seeing which controls the feature you want, I.E preset scenes/chase.

It is true that some desks offer more features under midi control than others.


For example, here is the midi chart for the Behringer LC2412.

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Not a Frog! They have no usable MIDI.


The pedal you have is an excellent choice, but then again, I'm a tad biased, 'cos I've got one too ;)


I still think you are failing to grasp the notion that you really want a PC to pull all your strands together...

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The ETC SmartFade series have extremely good MIDI.


You can download the SmartFade MIDI reference guide from here (PDF) to see if it will suit your application.


SmartFade ML is similar, but has a few extra capabilities.


The SmartFade manuals are available from the ETC website - here.

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MagicQ also offers excellent support for fully customised MIDI control - if all you're after is the MIDI control (no faders, buttons, etc) then the free PC software and a MIDI interface - Robert is your mother's brother ;)



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