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Practical project of the day

Pete Alcock

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I've done many school shows where an increasing number of radio mics are being used. At the end of the show, when the cast are all excited, the last thing on their young minds is where to put the radio pack and lav. I've usually put a flighcase lid backstage and instructed an SM to collect them all, but this rarely works and you end up with a tangled mess.


Accordingly, I devised this - a mic tray. 4" lengths of carpet tube, glued together and put inside a carpet-lined Ikea "SNACK" storage box (£6.99 from the Swedish megastore). Just finished a big show with a Hampshire school with 12 mics(!) and it worked like a charm.




Trust this is of interest.



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Yeah very nice, organisation is definitely invalueble and surely makes the job in hand a lot less troublesome. I will maybe use this method of storage myself for my next show.


I have just spent a time slicing foam, wedged in a flightcase, to house the venue mics. This also makes the distribution, collection and storage process very convenient...

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Nice idea - have show coming up with 18 mics (& 250 performers!!) so could be useful.

Can I ask - on the photo it seems that only the packs are in the tubes - where did you put the bit of string????

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(although you do appear to be missing 4 of your 12 :))


....Or even 7 of your 15 ;)

Just finished a big show with a Hampshire school with 12 mics


I've got a musical in a couple of weeks that I'll have to try that with - my no. 2 is usually presented with the traditional flightcase lid which always ends up messy...

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I like that, its neat.


A society of my knowledge has a board (couple of foot square) with 'pockets' into which the packs and capsules go, which was the previous most neat solution I'd seen...

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Ta for the comments.


Can I ask - on the photo it seems that only the packs are in the tubes - where did you put the bit of string????

They'd all been put neatly away when I thought about taking a picture and I didn't want to get them all out again just for the pic!


(although you do appear to be missing 4 of your 12 )

I only have 8 - they were an additional four trantec VHF units that were hired in - they were back in the hire flightcase.

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