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mic on cans not working

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Hi have done a search and can't find an answer so here goes.

I have a Canford system, with 5 headsets. 3 work fine, 2 only earphones work. having looked at both the 4 pin connector and the wires on the microphone, they seem to be right.

Any ideas anyone???

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Have you tried swapping beltpacks to prove that they are OK?



Assuming the standard black headphones:-

Look under the earpad with the boom first. Take off the pad, slide a screwdriver between the plate with the speaker and the rim (apply plaster to hole in finger) and lever it out. This exposes the connection plate. With it all powered up, does shorting the mic produce a pop?


If not, it is probably a break in the cable to the beltpack.

If yes, it is probably a dead capsule (or a connection on the back).


To get into the mic capsule, slide the cover thingy that covers the joint between the capsule and the mic up the stem. This exposes a small screw.


Canford sell the cable by the metre, it is quite tricky to solder, being steel cored and springy.

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It's not the belt packs, and I don't have a meter to test with (its on my wish list)

However, on opening up the headsets (thanks didn't quite know how to get in there, have found on one that on the 4 pin XLR

pin 1 is red and screen

pin 2 blue

pin 3 yellow

pin 4 grey


grey and yellow are the earphones, thats fine, but the blue wire stops and isn't connected to anything in the headset!!

The red goes to white to go down the Mic boom, so if I desolder (unsolder??) the red and screen and blue, and put screen on pin 1 and red on pin 2, would that work????


on the other headset, which is double earphones I have the opposite problem,

grey= earphone

yellow= earphone

blue= mic screen

screen= mic screen

red= mic come down the wire


but I loose one on the way down


pin 1 screen

pin 2 blue

pin 3 yellow

pin 4 grey


Should this be a 5 or 6 pin thats been changed to fit in with our system, its a TANDBERG educational whatever that is!


Any other pointers to give??? will try to listen for "pops" now.



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Ahhh, Tandberg! Now we know where you headsets have come from!! They've been lifted from your school's language lab! Not a problem as they are made by someone and sold by both Canford and Tandberg/Sanako as their own. (Does it show that the day job is running a language lab?)


I'll look at the colours when I get in tomorrow, but the spare core is irrelevant unless you were to want to rewire the headset as stereo.


If they are broken, the best cheapest way to get them repaired/replaced could be through the languages dept. Depends a bit on the maintenance deal they have.

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Because the mic capsule is a dynamic one, if you use an ohmmeter to check for continuity, the mic will become a speaker and you will hear a click, sorry if you already know this.


I have come across a lot of mic capsules that have come loose from their base that they are normally glued onto so they break their very fine connecting wires that are soldered onto the wires you see coming out of the mic boom.


I got some CPC MP33261 dynamic mic capsules but they are just too large for the common boom mic housings. Pity because they were cheap.

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