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vison mixer advice please


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I'm a newbie both here and to the video world...so bear with me :-)


I'm hoping I could get some advice on purchasing a second hand video mixer?


I run a small events company and we often have the need to run plasma screens and projectors during events - conferences, balls etc etc


At the moment, we tend to use video switchers, but they dont produce a very nice effect really, with stuttering and black screens during switching etc.


We need to source a vison mixer which will make all of this much nicer. It doesn't need to be anything special at all, but needs to do the job obviously.


These are the required functions:


- To have at least 5 inputs (and be able to accept DVD, laptop, cameras)

- To be able to fade between the various sources

- To handle all the scaling issues that I just dont understand

- To be able to output to plasma and projectors

- Needs to be easy to use and reliable



Here are the desireable (but not essential) features:


- To have two seperate outputs (so some screens can show one thing and others another)

- To have the abilty to store a "holding slide"



It will only be used in the live production environment, so it doesn't need to be able to interface with a PC or anything, as I have seen some do.


So any suggestions for a model I should look out for on the second hand market?


Is there anything specifically I need to know before buying?


Many thanks for your help in advance - really appreciate it!




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Mixers to handle 625 line composite are cheap compared with the higher resolution digital formats. Outputting in 625 composite works but all the better formats work better. Really LOTS depend on the resolution you expect at the output.
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There are plenty of options around depending on your budget and how important the matrix facility is (having 2 seperate outputs).


Industry standard video switchers would be devices like the Folsom Presentation Pro or Extron ISS408 (my personal favourite in that bracket). For less money you could look at something like the Analog Way Smartfade but in some ways you'd be losing input flexibility and reliability. Horses for courses as always. :D

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I would class video Mixers as the likes of the Panasonic MX50/MX70, with the ISS408 and Folsom stuff being towards Scaler/Switcher teritory.


Are you looking to output to a PC resolution such as VGA, XGA/WXGA UXGA etc, generally on a 15Pin HD D Sub or on a video resolution such as composite or RGB? Once you can tell us what resolution your aiming for we can start to suggest options.


And what's your budget?

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I would class video Mixers as the likes of the Panasonic MX50/MX70, with the ISS408 and Folsom stuff being towards Scaler/Switcher teritory.


Are you looking to output to a PC resolution such as VGA, XGA/WXGA UXGA etc, generally on a 15Pin HD D Sub or on a video resolution such as composite or RGB? Once you can tell us what resolution your aiming for we can start to suggest options.


And what's your budget?


Hi, Thanks for all your help so far!


Yes, I would need XVGA output....to then be split and amplified to go to the projector(s) and plasma(s).



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Quick note - the 408 is a seamless switcher, as opposed to a propper vision mixer, although a seemless switcher seems to be exactly what the OP needs.


If budget is a real issue - something like a smart fade should also meet the bill (although I am not a fan). From memory, the basic smartfade can take 2 RGBHV component and 4 composite, although it's screen store feature is sort of hidden, and cannot store an RGBHV feed.


The simplest way to be able to have two sources would be to daisy chain two switchers. I would suggest against using the preview out as a second output for projection. So you have (for example) a 408 outputting into a DA which splits the feed into the 'main projector' and another switcher (say a smart fade) which also has any inputs for just the secondary projectors (which can either be DA'ed off of the main switcher or independant inputs) - which means the smart fade has the option of mirroring the main screen(s) or using a different source. Otherwise, you are looking at matrix switchers (much more expensive)

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