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Event Venue

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hi, im looking for an event venue that can seat 5,000 people in the yorkshire region. I already know of hallam fm arena, but I need more. can anyone please reccomend a venue? thanks

Theatre, rock&roll, corporate?

Standing, seated?


Meet us half way mate, bit more info please.


Depending on what you want Sheff 'Hallam FM' Arena may be your only option in Yorks - but possibly a bit big. Unless you're really going to put 5000 bums on seats you may find it a bit lacking in atmosphere, even with the stage at half-house.


Nottingham Arena (while obviously not in Yorkshire) might be a better size for you - end stage capacity is just under 10000, so half-house should be just about right.


The Magna Centre in Rotherham or the Ice Arena in Hull might be worth a look. The Hull arena is a bit small, a bit low and a bit grotty (its more an ice rink than an arena) - but it generally has a good vibe for rock&roll. The Magna Centre would be good if its an event like a rave that can be split across a couple of rooms, otherwise also a bit small and a bit low.


Is it something you can do outdoors or in a tent? If so, Temple Newsam House in Leeds might be a good site.

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