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Strand PATT264 converters


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Hi Guys!


I have just been given some Patt 264's. I know they aren't the greatest lantern under the sun by todays standards, nevertheless, I have a use for them.


I understand that a convertor kit is available to adapt them for modern lamps as opposed to the T15/T23. Anyone know where I can get either a drawing of this, or better still, the actual item? I'm after 4!


Thanks in anticipation



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The trick is putting the centre of the filament for the new lamp is the same place vertically as the old one was. It's quite easy to work out if you buy the new lamp holders first and do a bit of measuring.
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bear in mind that a T15 is a burn at any angle lamp while the T19 is base down burning, so you will need to invert the lamp and lens tube if you do this, personally I would stick with T15 as they seem to give very long life and the burn any angle facility is most useful.
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