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Marking Props and Costumes


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Had a quick search and couldnt find anything on this.


How do you guys mark up props and costumes to make sure items dont go home with actors. I'm with an am dram group in uni and items have a habit of going home with the people, and I want to combat that cheaply.


Any ideas?


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They will just steal the nametapes too! I did a show where there nearly were not enough costumes to open with after several suits disappeared during rehearsals. Someone has to recover each item as soon as it's action is complete each time. Wardrobe should have a full list of everything that each character has, wears and holds. Wardrobe has to get each item back. It's easiest if they collect things before they are "just put down".
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You can get each actor to return their costumes to Wardrobe and have them checked off but it is a hell of a job on a large cast show and only works if you hold a deposit. I've only ever do it on the last night of students final productions.
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