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Compulite Vector on Top of the Pops


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Out of interest, what would be the budget for a show such as TOTP? Obviously I'm sure you can't supply the exact figure, but roughly how much does the BBC deem worthy to pay out for the Lighting? Oh, and another one I've thought off, I presume the BBC has it's own TV lighting, but does it keep any generic lanterns within it's stock, for shows such as TOTP, i.e. Source Fours, Floorcans, that sort of thing.


In the studios at TV Center,


Each studio has a fully saturated rig of 5K dual source conventionals, with each studio having up to 1000 dimmers on a DPC basis normaly run from a galaxy (some funnys in the smaller studios or TC1) With whole loads of parcans, groundrow, profiles, and cyclights available on a central stock basis. The policy is to always hire in robotic fixtures, as then you can have exactly what the LD wants, and you can instantly change with fashion and taste. so you could have - for pure hypothetical example - a completly different ML rig in TC3 for top of the pops one day, Later with jules the next and blue peter straight after.


However this only applies to TVC's studios. I know BBC Bristol took a completly different policy and have large selections of the most popular ML's as house stock and BBC WN has a bunch of Martin fixtures donated FOC (Theory being BBC WN has the training studios, where the BBC runs training courses for itself and the rest of the industry, therefore whatever toys the trainee LD's play with there are likely to be used later by them...)





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in order; imho;


I would too, though it's not always possible


that's what we are trying out at the 'mo with a new synch to a pearl at ussu [workshop area - could take a while to iron out the bugs though]

You've entirely lost me - to what are you replying to or commenting on???

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It always strikes me though that I would prefere to keep my lighting console free from third party software which can potentially cause alot more problems to your operating system.


Is it not better to have a second PC or laptop sat next to your lighting console to run extra software on?


Also, does it not scare people that we are clearly moving towards a position where we are going to have lighting consoles sat on the internet, (for downloading device settings etc), that with native windows environments the desk will be completely open to all sorts of attack from virus etc?


If that's your preference, then that's what you can do, there is no reason why you have to install other software on the Vector if you don't want to, but you can and it's actually a lot easier than carrying around a separate PC/laptop, especially if you are an operator with your own desk so you can put on it what you want.


Vector has also been designed so that it doesn't really matter what you install on the Windows side, it won't affect the speed or operation of the system. You can even shut down Windows completely and still operate the desk - just a little difficult to see what's going on!


Likewise with connecting to the internet, you can do it if you want to, but if you are concerned or don't have the proper virus software or firewall installed then don't. At the end of the day there isn't any difference between downloading personalities and software upgrades on your laptop, burning them to a CD and then loading them into your lighting console, you are just as prone to viruses, it's just quicker and easier to do it direct to the desk!


Andy Stone


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I thought that totp was recorded on thursday and sent out on fri? not any more?

Used to be, but now they film the Saturday version of Top of the Pops on Thursday and then the one on Friday night goes out live, I think they felt that there were too many rumours about everyone miming on Pops, so if they put the show out live and insisted that all the artists performed live they might get a more spontaneous show.


Andy Stone


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in order; imho;


I would too, though it's not always possible


that's what we are trying out at the 'mo with a new synch to a pearl at ussu [workshop area - could take a while to iron out the bugs though]


yes it scares the screaming heebejeebies out of me - but that is the way that technology is developing, I just hope that firewalls can cope with it.

Errr ... I might be missing something here, but what exactly does that mean?


Edit : Ah, I think I've just sussed it - you're replying to Ace's post prior to yours. If you're responding to points someone else has made earlier in the thread, it makes far more sense if you quote the text you're replying to. As it is, if you read it in isolation what you've written is little more than nonsense, I'm afraid. The "Quote" tag is your friend ...

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Purely as a matter of interest, Andy, how does a Vector compare in terms of cost with, say, a Maxxyz or a Hog3 + DP2000?

Very favourably, of course :** laughs out loud **:


Can't really quote prices here, but if you want to contact me separately I would be happy to confirm the exact prices.




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Purely as a matter of interest, Andy, how does a Vector compare in terms of cost with, say, a Maxxyz or a Hog3 + DP2000?

Very favourably, of course :blink:

Naturally .... :huh:


It was just a bit of idle curiosity on my part, really - the Vector Blue looks to be competing pretty directly with the Hog3 in terms of capabilities and features (don't really know a great deal about the Maxxyz at the moment so I don't know how that compares with Vector) and I wondered how the comparison would fare in cost terms. I appreciate that you're reluctant to divulge that kind of information in a public forum, but if you have an idle moment and fancy PM'ing or e-mailing me with the cost for a Vector Blue I'd be interested to know. Just don't get any ideas that I'm in any sort of position to buy one. :** laughs out loud **:

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