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AC North trade show - who's going?


AC Lighting North trade show 2007 - who's going?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to the AC North trade show this year?

    • I'll be there on the Tuesday
    • I'll be there on the Wednesday
    • I have nothing better to do with my time and will be there on both days!
    • I don't yet know which day I'll be going
    • I'm not going to be able to make it this year

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I went along yesterday (Tuesday).


It certainly was rather cosy in the old venue! I wonder if everyone who goes on Wednesday will get the fun of a building evacuation due to a fire alarm like we did?!


Did anyone find out why that happened by the way? We were speculating that someone turned a smoke machine on! :P

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We were told that it was a smoke machine caused the evacuation yesterday, one of the AC organisers announced it during one of the seminars yesterday.

I think it would have looked a bit sparse in the new bigger venue as I didn't think that there was as much there as in previous years. Nothing really stood out for me, but one thing that sems to be very clear is the huge push in LED lighting.

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I think it would have looked a bit sparse in the new bigger venue as I didn't think that there was as much there as in previous years. Nothing really stood out for me, but one thing that sems to be very clear is the huge push in LED lighting.


Although I found it quite an enjoyable day ( including the fire alarm, where I managed to get the nicotine levels back up)

I must admit the event itself was a little disappointing.


Allen & Heath and Zero 88 <_< (Sorry Peter) were particularly poor in my opinion, as they had so little on display, but I think overall, the venue / display stands were just too small.


Must go to PLASA this year.

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As one of the organisers of the AC North show, I feel I should respond to some of the previous comments.


With just 2 working days remaining before the load in, we were advised that the promised new hall was not going to be handed over from the builders to the Royal Armouries and therefore we needed to fit the "new" exhibition into the "old" hall. As we had 40% more exhibit space already planned and allocated, this was a significant challenge.


Many of the manufacturers had designed and booked larger stands, but kindly agreed to forsake the space to help us squeeze all of the planned suppliers in the hall. Zero 88 were one of these helpful companies and I thank them for their co-operation. Obviously we were all very disappointed not to be able to make the jump into the new hall this year, but I hope you feel our aim of getting the new products and key people into the northern region was still achieved.


The attendance was up around 20% this year and we feel motivated to stage the event again next year. Your comments are heard and any suggestions on how we can do a better job and increase attendance is much appreciated.


Glyn O'Donoghue

A.C. Lighting


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As one of the visitors to the AC North show I'd like to thank everyone at AC and all the exhibitors for making us all feel welcome (and for laying on a splendid lunch).
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I didn't attend so wasn't able to experience it for myself, but I certainly don't envy you the job of fitting the proverbial quart into a pint pot. I trust you're takinf steps to ensure that the Royal Armouries see to it that AC Lighting is extremely well compensated for the inconvenience that you were caused ....
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As one of the organisers of the AC North show, I feel I should respond to some of the previous comments.


With just 2 working days remaining before the load in, we were advised that the promised new hall was not going to be handed over from the builders to the Royal Armouries and therefore we needed to fit the "new" exhibition into the "old" hall. As we had 40% more exhibit space already planned and allocated, this was a significant challenge.


Glyn O'Donoghue

A.C. Lighting



Sorry Glyn,


I had no idea of your logistical nightmare, and must say, well done for getting it all sorted so quickly. As I said in my earlier post I did have a great day, and surprisingly, (even 5 days on), still don't quite know why I only ever ordered coffee at the bar :)


we feel motivated to stage the event again next year. Your comments are heard and any suggestions on how we can do a better job and increase attendance is much appreciated.


I think given the circumstances for this year, and the fact that hopefully you'll have a larger venue next year, I'll definitely be there.


One funny moment, that I hope no one saw, was at the Griven Stand. I had a quick look at the Swan , and picked up the flyer for it. After reading the first few lines of the flyer, I wondered to myself (Blonde moment) - how bright are these things - so on impulse positioned myself right in front of the Swan and looked directly into the beam.


The following conversation with the rep:


Me "How many watts of electricity do they use"

Rep "It tells you on the leaflet, 140 watts"

Me "I can't actually see the leaflet at the moment" (even though it was only a few cm from my face)


Wandered round for about 5 mins, without really knowing where I was.

Those things are bl00dy bright :)


Agreed with Brian, the lunch was well appreciated.

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