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fire resistant clothing

mini mansell

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As andrew says - this is a film stuntman type of effect, which I believe is achieved with "flame paste" and insulated/flameproof underclothing similar to the stuff that F1 drivers wear. I would have thought the primary hazard as you want to set fire to the legs would be burns to the upper body caused by the top of the flames - now I think about it, whenever you see this effect in film, it tends to be upper-body only.


So, in brief - I'd see if you can get any help from the film industry, but I can't see any licencing officer going for it in this country.

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  • 5 weeks later...

having spoken to some very informative people.


I am having a pair of trousers made from a material called


carbonX http://www.chapmaninnovations.com/products/carbonx.html



the company is american but their eurpean people are irish with a base in rochdale.


so if you ever have any requirements for absolutely fire proof material.. thats where to go.

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Whatever you do don't do it yourself or make them yourself!!!


This is a highly dangerous effect and it will take pages of risk assesments, fire plans, and local authority guidelines and regulations to get anywhere.


Don't forget- we are talking about an actors life here!!!


Regards and Good Luck,



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You really should get a stunt co-ordinator to help you plan the stunt, and any maintenance plans for your kit.


Just having the fireproof trousers is not enough.


proffessional planning is a MUST. When you come to perform it, someone (Employer/Venue) will have liability insurance and the insurers should insist on it.

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Yeah just to add to that you have to think about many different aspects nit just the trousers. You should employ someone responible for the stunt (i.e. a stunt co-ordiantor as ebirt suggested)


You will also need to think about communications, You will need ASMS all arround to watch exactly whats happening and make sure no other actors get in the way, they should all be on Cans (unwired if possible so they can get on stage) and have radios to communicate to the Stunt Co-ordinator


You also will need ASMS and Stage Crew on standby in the wings with Fire Extinguishers, sand etc. and A burns kit.


You will have to make a person responsibble for calling the Fire Brigade if necessery. This means they must have a phone (pref a landline as mobiles can run out of battery and loose signal) next to them and ASMS and Stage Manager must have a way of directly communicating with them


You may need camera all arround to look and check the effect fom different angles


And finally you must have a plan for every scinario! What if the audiance or Auditorium catches on fire (had the FOH Manager been informed of this extra risk of fire and has he briefed his ushers) etc. However I'm sure whatever venue you are in they will allready have a very good fire escape plan for all areas!


This may all seem a bit extreem but in reality it is a very dangerous stunt which will turn out to be very expensive.


Good Luck



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