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Cleaning a cyc


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I'm part of the Southampton University student backstage society (StageSoc) and we are needing to get our cyc cleaned. Does anybody know of a company that can do this, or does anyone have some good ideas for cleaning/fire proofing it ourselves? (For reference it's about 10m x 4m.)


Many thanks!

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I'm part of the Southampton University student backstage society (StageSoc) and we are needing to get our cyc cleaned. Does anybody know of a company that can do this, or does anyone have some good ideas for cleaning/fire proofing it ourselves? (For reference it's about 10m x 4m.)


Many thanks!


fire proofing isnt too hard, do a search for flame bar sometimes known as flambar, this is a DIY product you can apply yourself - get yourself one of the pump action sprayguns you use for garden fences and bob's your uncle.


Flame Bar


Flame Check - not as well know - but similar


Cleaning... havent got a clue

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More information needed please .... what material is your cyc made from? Plastic, fabric (what type?) or a painted brick wall??

OK that last bit is rather facetious, but please people - when you need an answer to something then give as much information as possible, or it makes it very difficult to help you!

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fire proofing isnt too hard, do a search for flame bar sometimes known as flambar, this is a DIY product you can apply yourself - get yourself one of the pump action sprayguns you use for garden fences and bob's your uncle.

I would be very careful with that approach. These DIY are nice for smallish bits of fabric but I have yet to find one that will comply with Fire Regs for larger applications.

Applying the stuff on a surface that size is another nightmare and a task not really suitable for inexperienced people.

You also run a substantial risk of ending up with large stains all over the cyc if not applied absolutely even.


I am sorry, I can't help you with companies who do this sort of thing in the UK but make a few calls to hire companies in your area, they have to deal with these issues regularly and are your best bet.

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Does anyone sometimes think - why do we bother?


The OP on this post asked for advice - I posted asking for more info in order that the advice offered was relevant and yet still no reply from Jon C.


Maybe Jon C has found someone to clean his cyc?


Maybe he has decided not to clean it?


Maybe he hasn't considered that it might be rude not to log on and see what answers people have given him?


Maybe we will never know?


Maybe .... just why do we bother sometimes????

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Does anyone sometimes think - why do we bother?
ALL the time!! ;)
The OP on this post asked for advice - I posted asking for more info in order that the advice offered was relevant and yet still no reply from Jon C.
Noticed that...

But in case he DOES return, my advice is this.


If it's a basic white cloth it will most likely cost MORE to clean properly and re-fireproof than it would to buy a new one.

I've looked at this on several occasions for both cyc and black softs, and unless you're in a top-class venue with hugely expensive soft goods, it'll cost you an arm and a leg to get them cleaned by the pro's.

And there's NO easy way of cleaning yourself - trust me!


A long while ago, we looked at cleaning our black legs - in a production of 'Bugsy Malone' the splurge guns were using a water based gunge and despite instructions and threats to the small company some got onto the front legs. Not too bad, as the splurge brushed off when dry, but then we realised that the darker splotches on the legs were where the cloth had been made 'cleaner' than the rest of the legs - basically it had cut thru some of the accumulated dust & grime!

But though we tried to repeat that, all we got was a splodgy mess!

Said legs were retired to the upstage bars til we afforded some new ones!

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There used to be lots of Laundries in Southampton servicing the ocean liners. (The one called Liners Laundry is now industrial units) They had huge washing machines and used to do things like cycs. Problem is, there may be too many "used tos" used there.


I had one done many years ago, by Duvals in Romsey. No idea if they are still there either... Does the general Hospital do contract work?

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More information needed please .... what material is your cyc made from? Plastic, fabric (what type?) or a painted brick wall??

OK that last bit is rather facetious, but please people - when you need an answer to something then give as much information as possible, or it makes it very difficult to help you!


Hey, I'm also part of StageSoc.


It's not a cloth cyc as such, but more plasticy.. hard to describe. It's generally left at the back of a lecture theatre we use as our main performance space and has gotten generally grubby over the years. The problem is some lecturer (we think) has splashed coffee down it.


Your advice is appreciated and wasn't ignored, it's been a bit busy here. Had four big shows in four weeks and there's only a handful of us technicians to do them! We've spoken to various local comanies and the general opinion is it'll be cheaper to buy new. Not sure what we're actually doing yet though.



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It's not a cloth cyc as such, but more plasticy.. hard to describe.


Perhaps it's polysilk? It wouldn't be uncommon to have a polysilk cyc. You might be better to cut your losses and try buying new. Polysilk is going to need to be dry cleaned, and re-flame proofed.


If you were going to buy new, you might also want to think about whether you'd want something of the same material or something muslin based etc.

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We've spoken to various local comanies and the general opinion is it'll be cheaper to buy new.


If you are getting a new one anyway then it may be worth trying the stained areas with a bar of Vanish a small amount of hot water and a nail brush as you have nothing to loose.

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If it is a plastic cyc - of the fairly tough variety - then you can lay it out on stage, get buckets of water, cream cleaner (the stuff you use for cleaning your bathroom) and scrubbing brushes.... then lots of students and start scrubbing!!!

I've done it before - it's a b****r of a job but does eventually work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for all you help and advice. We have found a company who might be able to clean it for us and are contacting them for quotes before we go begging our Union for money, failing that we may have a go at DIY.


Apologies for not responding sooner, it's been a busy few weeks for me and I hadn't got round to checking the forum - sorry if you felt ignored or unappreciated, that's not the case!


(a somewhat guilty) Jon :huh:

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