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Triggering fat frog by midi


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I am trying to trigger a fat frog desk we have at college from a computer via midi.

I have worked out how the remote switches on the desk work.

All I need is some way to trigger a relay via a midi signal.


Does anyone know of a cheapish device that would trigger a relay by a midi signal, or a circuit that would do it.





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The Frog does support remote triggering by an 8 Pin DIN, which means you can effectively trigger from any source which has a contact closure option, which is what chris is attempting. Also you can trigger cues from the PS2 keyboard.
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Yes all I want to do is trigger a relay via midi from cubase, to short pin 2 to pin 8 on the remote switches, to operate the go button.

The idea in the end, for my final major project at college at the end of the year, is to have all the music, projection and lighting, for a dance show, running from cubase.

So all I have to do is start it going. All the music and projection outputs directly from cubase and the midi out from cubase, triggers the pre programmed cues on the fat frog desk.

And incase it all goes wrong, I do have a back up plan... and I'll operate the go button myself.

But if I can get this working, it will get me very high marks (my lectures don't understand it) and means more cues won't be a problem.


So it's just the realy trigger that's the problem at the mo.


Help would be greatly appreciated.




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Well, if theres such a thing as the industry standard then its the MIDI Solutions Relay, but I dont know what their availability is like in the UK. It's only really industry standard as there's actually few alternatives, they are the last man standing. Unfortunate really, as (a) they (in the general sense) saw off Philip Rees, whose products I do like (not that they ever had a relay product), and (b) I dont really like the MIDI Solutions products, and © I dont like their pricing.


The days of there being a wide variety of interesting (and even some good) MIDI products are sadly behind us...

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how about this idea, using a spare synth/keybord ect take the audio out to a simple audio activited relay , then put this synth on its own midi channel , play a note on that channel , relay closes,



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I am trying to trigger a fat frog desk we have at college from a computer via midi.
If you can lay your hands on an old Xero88 XL or XLS desk then you will be in business. It's very easy to control individual channels with MIDI note-on commands and you can even playback the first 103 submasters. Channel level data is also sent via MIDI (except when in Program-Mode) so you can easily write a program that displays bar-graphs of channel output and captures states for manipulation on the computer.


In principle you can up/download the entire desk memory - setup data and all - using System Exclusive messages. Keep meaning to write the code but haven't yet got around to it.


There's an XL (12 channel) going on eBay at the moment (item no 230096460293). Couple of buttons missing but you should be able to get replacements from Zero88.



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I have an (must be over a dozen years old) XL, in pristine condition (probably less than a months work on the clock), still in original bag in original box, and it does MIDI, which is why I nearly fell off my chair when Pete said the Frogs didn't. I find the lack of a MIDI port inexplicable.
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I couldn't believe it either.


When I thought of the idea, I went to look at the desk just to check. And it didn't have one.

A reasonably good desk, that seems to be able to do everything else, costing around £2000 and it doesn't have a midi input.


I have a 192 channel scanner controller that I got for about £120 for discos... and that even has midi.


The XL isn't ideal for fixtures though, as I will be running 4x scanners and 2x mac 250 kryptons through it, as well as about 30 channels of conventional lanterns.

We have an old xl at college anyway, but it only has an analogue out.

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