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Marantz PMD-570 Media


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Hiya gang!


Just bought 2 new PMD-570's and 10 Crucial 1Gb CF-cards. The units will record fine to the cards, and if I mount the cards on my mac I can get the audio files off them. BUT - the Marantz units won't play back what they've just recorded, and will lock up for a good minute or two if any such attempt is made. One of them's just come back with the message "DSP ERROR" on the screen.


So - what's going on here? Why should these CF-cards not be compatible?


Any ideas? Anyone else found these machines to be fussy?


For reference - just tried some Kingston 512Mb cards and they're fine. Just tried both types of card in our portable PMD-670 and the problem exists there, further suggesting a problem with the media, or the formatting thereof.


(If I format them on the mac, the 1Gb cards can only be formatted as FAT32. The Marantz manual recommends FAT16 for anything less than 2Gb)

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I've had the same problem with the 670. The Marantz CF gear is really, really fussy about the media it takes...sorry I can't be more helpful than that - I know just confirming your suspcions isn't that helpful...


Some googling shows people have had luck with Lexar media. It's a real PITA.

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I've had the same problem with the 670. The Marantz CF gear is really, really fussy about the media it takes...sorry I can't be more helpful than that - I know just confirming your suspcions isn't that helpful...


Some googling shows people have had luck with Lexar media. It's a real PITA.


SanDisk cards are the recommending media. Even the standard ones are fine although I supply the ExTreme II cards to my customers.


Some people have had problems with Lexar and Kingston are not good.


Hope that helps,



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SanDisk cards are the recommending media. Even the standard ones are fine although I supply the ExTreme II cards to my customers.


I wonder if SanDisk build their cards to a slightly different CF standard? The compatibility list for the Fostex MR8 specifically warns people to avoid SanDisk cards.





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Right - have been playing this afternoon with these CF-recorders. Using the Crucial cards, I can record and play back MP2, MP3 or BWF-PCM (with BWF extension) in mono or stereo, and at any allowed sample/bit-rate. If I try to use WAV-PCM or BWF-PCM (with .wav extension), it all goes Pete Tong...


Using our two Kingston "Orange" 512Mb cards, I can do anything I like... Which is curious, as the fact I can record some form of PCM would suggest that the media bandwidth is high enough to support real-time recording. The same pattern of behaviour is exhibited on the PMD-670 too...


Any ideas?

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  • 1 year later...
I just purchased a PMD670 from B&H PhotoVideo in the US and had exactly the same problem with the Kingston 4G CF card that B&H pushed with it. Found this site by googling for "DSP ERROR" and it's saved me a huge amount of hassle - returning the recorder as defective, etc. I'll go and get a Sandisk card for it and it'll probably solve the problem.
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I've been using these machines for two years with 2gb microdrives and the only issue I've had is high sound pressure causing the drive to skip, we are using them for recording and playback of wav files. I have now moved over to san disk ultra 2, 2gb compact flash cards these work fine.

It would seem that the speed and quality of the media is critical. :angry:

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Well more than a year has passed since this thread was started. Rather than taking the loss and buying new cards, I took the decision that we would continue using our existing Crucial media and record 44.1KHz PCM to Broadcast Wav files (.bwf) and we've not experienced a single loss or glitch. I think a year is a pretty good time to determine reliability for our use at least! :angry:
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FWIW, although my PMD670 doesn't seem to like the Kingston card, it shipped with a 512MB Lexar Platinum II 80x which works just fine. B&H has given me an RMA on the Kingston card so it's going back.
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Fmouse - glad we've been of some help, though I'm sorry to see that we've not yet been able to find a common link that stops some cards working with these machines.


My late father used to refer to a phenomenon which he called "the perversity of inanimate objects", or in the vernacular, "things have personality". It's something like the 9th corollary to Murphy's law - a.k.a. the 2nd law of thermodynamics which says that in the struggle between chaos and order, chaos always wins. It's a law of the Universe, and we learn to live with it.


If there's a way to make things work, just do it. There is no why.


In this case the good advice of studiofile to go with SanDisk solved my problem. I bought a 4GB SanDisk Ultra II (15MB/S) card which cost about half of the 266X Kingston card that wouldn't work. The SanDisk card works perfectly, as far as I can tell. B&H PhotoVideo has given me an RMA on the Kingston card so all's well that ends well.

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  • 2 years later...

Thread necromancy alert:


We're now wanting to use 4Gb cards in this machine, and have been told that a firmware update is required to do it. We've been given instructions in English and Japanese software by the manufacturer, and understandably things didn't go smoothly. I didn't brick the unit, but I still have no firmware update!


Anyone have any luck doing this?

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