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Radio Mics for theatre use


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We currently have a couple of radio mics in our (amateur) theatre. They are only used for gentle enhancement of the weaker singers in musicals. (Yes, I know it would be better if they could sing properly, but....!)

Currently we have a dual MiPro 707 label mic system which works well but was quite pricey.

Now we need 2 more channels.

What do the team think? Any recomendations - bearing in mind we don't have a huge budget?





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merging systems from different manufacturers is always difficul to assess in advance - some makes seem to be happy with each other, while others seem to be finicky. The ones you have are not really from a brand leader - so no idea how well they'd fair alongside something like Sennheisers, which generally get recommended at the moment. If you are happy with yours - I'm assuming they are the Beyer MiPros, why not just buy more of the same? There is not really anything that is good and cheap - good or cheap seems more common. Most quality systems at the starting end of the price range seem to be very similar when you add up the bits.
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They say that the world is run by coincidence...


Until today, I'd never hear of MIPRO as a radio mic manufacturer but in the issue of Audio Media that arrived on my doorstep this morning is an article about a new digital radio mic system that they're releasing. Now this query appears!


MIPRO appear to be a Taiwan based manufacturer and, if they're designing digital RF kit, they may be a company we will hear more from.


Their UK distributor is a company call "Fuzion" with a website HERE. The page with the MIPRO radio mic kit is HERE.


Unfortunately, just about ALL their equipment is model 707, with the trailing letters being important to determine the details of the equipment. I have to say that, based on the prices on the Fuzion site, MIPRO is far from the cheapest gear on the market. You can certainly get name equipmet for less than what it would take to buy a capsule, TX pack and receiver from them. I have no idea if their stuff is worth the money or not.


As paulears says, it can be difficult to mix RF gear from different manufacturers. Different qualities of RF filter, differing preset frequency schemes, etc. all make is hard to know what will work together. Alas, this makes the choice difficult. I don't know anything about MIPRO so can't comment on whether they are good value for money or not but also can't give any experience about how well they would coexist with gear from Sennheiser or another manufacturer. As a first step, a call to Fuzion to get any tech details they can provide is probably a good idea.



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Since this is yet another ACT 707-something model, I assume we're talking about the same thing.


Pure speculation but I wonder if MIPRO was an OEM supplier to Beyer but may now be striking out on their own or something. FYI, the actual MIPRO website is HERE. Looking at the pictures, it's pretty clearly all the same gear.


Anyway, I'm sure we're not helping the OP at all with this, but now my curiousity is aroused!



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Mi-pro Manufacture for beyerdynamic "Opus 8000" exactly the same unit just Re-badged


have used 24 of these and there Ok the receivers are stable, handy auto tune facility, belt packs quite huge but quality if you get the metal options on both beltpacks & handhelds.



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We use 10 Mipro radios for all our shows and have found them to work just as well as equivalent sony or sennheiser packs. I'll back soundguy uk up in saying that they're ok, nice set of features and we've never had them drop out.


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