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Mobile Stages

Peter Russell

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I know this isn't theatre related but I wonder if anyone out there might be able to help...

I am trying to find a company that hires the kind of mobile stages that you see used on the radio 1 roadshows, i.e. an artic trailer (or smaller) that has a fold out stage.

I have an event coming up that happens on three consecutive days on the Strand in London but has to disappear overnight.

If anyone knows anywhere I can find one or has any better ideas then any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Well, they are not cheap. However if you want it to disappear quickly they really are the right answer. I have used the 10mx8m stages a couple of times, and rigging/derigging is really quick, as you can just attach your trusses and lamps etc, and then lift the roof.




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not strictly relevant, but a bit of interesting history - the original Century Theatre was 2 or possibly 3 trailers hauled around the country which bolted together to form a complete theatre with stage, auditorium, tech kit etc etc. I think they were made out of old wartime bombers(!). It came to rest in a car park in Keswick where it was known as the Blue Box, I believe, and has since mutated into the Lakeside Theatre. (A bit shaky on details - apologies to anyone who knows better!)


So not a particularly new idea, but, very effective.

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the original Century Theatre was 2 or possibly 3 trailers .....

.... car park in Keswick where it was known as the Blue Box,



It was 4 trailers according to Snibston Discovery Park


and is now back in use as a theatre in Leicestershire.


However, I think the setup and strike time was measured in hours(days) rather than minutes, and so wouldn't be too much use in this case :D


Paul Drage

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so that's what happened to it. I never saw the theatre, but in my days as a resident stage manager, I saw quite a few shows that had started there as part of their summer seaon whivh they then took on tour. very short scenery, I recall. Of course I see your point about the fit-up time...
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