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Phantom Frog Help


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Anyone know how to be able to access the super-user mode in the FatFrog part of phantom frog?

for those that dont know the phantom frog is a computer simulation of zero88's desks. And presumable that would mean that I'd be able to load and save shows to disk and transfer the disk onto the desk?

To enter the super user mode on a FatFrog is just pressing the +- keys and pressing enter.

But with the simulation there is no way I know of being able to press down both keys. I've tried pressing cntrl, but to no avail.




PS the FatFrog, does it only have a floppy disk drive on it, or does it have USB??

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Hi Andy


In Phantom Frog you can right click on a key to emulate holding down a button. Right click again to stop holding it down. Therefore right click on +, right click on -, then press ENTER, then right click + and right click -. You will then be able to edit and load shows from your PC. Before you 'Run' Phantom Frog, ensure you have set the "Floppy Path" to the appropriate location (the location where your show files are stored)


The Fat Frog only has a Floppy Drive on it.


I hope this helps

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One thing to note about floppy disks:


Format the disk in the Frog before you do Phantom Frogging. (Is that a verb?)

Back when I did such things, I found that any floppy formatted in the console worked fine everywhere, but some floppies formatted in my PC didn't work in the console.

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Thanks for that help Tomo, odd that it would happen like that. Peter, are you guys at zero88 doing something weird with the formatting??


Thanks for the help, I'm gonna format the disk on the desk first, but I'm just curious as to why it would operate like that.




PS maeterlink: I posted in here as there was more than one question attatched. Also there was no help facility on the Phantom Frog that I've found (I had a quick look, but I cant confirm that now - it's on the other computer).






Moderation: I've fixed the txtspk. Don't make me fix it again please. Bryson

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